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10/28/2016 12:30pm

Today I have a lot to do. There's training, shopping, and probably a lot of walking. Don't get me wrong, I love to shop, and if the training has anything to do with softball then I'll definitely love to do it. Only problem is it hurts to do much of anything because I'm sick. I think I contracted the illness from a fellow student when we were hanging out after our 3rd period class, How To Successfully Complete Spells. That day, we were learning a spell that would make our foes violently sneeze every time they tried to talk. I think that would be a pretty useful spell because villains always have those lame one liners that they insist on saying before they attack. Well, when said student (not naming any names) attempted the spell on me, nothing happened. Oh, don't worry. Our teacher, Mrs.Weirtecsh, had an anti-spell, should any of us successfully perform the incantation. Anyway, I thought nothing happened when I started talking but didn't violently sneeze. Now I'm assuming that my partner said the spell slightly wrong because now I'm sick. I know it's not just seasonal sicknesses that everyone gets, because I've never gotten sick before; my immune system is godly. Ugh, got to go Journal, it's time for training, then shopping. Wish me luck.

-xoxo ilencia

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10/27/2016 12:21pm

It's my first day at Psyhigh. I'm pretty excited, but also super nervous. What if my powers of time travel and mind control don't impress my peers? What if they think I'm a total spaz? I guess when I dance I'm pretty spaz-tastic, but still. I hope I fit in, because if not I'll call my mom and try to persuade her to take me home. I think I'm inheriting her Siren skills, too, so that would be a perfect way to try them out. I wonder if what the other kids here will be like. They probably won't be scared by my powers like the kids at my old school were. Ugh, they were so immature. Screaming things like, "OMG! She's a witch!" and "You're flying!" As if I don't realize I'm flying. And, by the way, I'm not a witch, and I find that very insulting. No offense to you witches out there. Do witches go to Psyhigh? I've heard they're pretty wicked, but I could never figure out if people meant that as a good or bad thing. I hope I meet some cool people here; it'd be nice to be friends with some people who understand me and don't care when I use my powers. I could learn a lot from them, too. I should probably stop rambling so much, but what are the teachers here like? I can't imagine what teachers or classes at Psyhigh are going to be like. Oooh, you know what? Maybe I'll meet some cute guys and finally get a boyfriend! Wow, that would be a miracle. Oh, gotta go Journal, looks like I should start getting ready for my first class! Wish me luck!
-xoxo ilencia

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