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4/22/2022 10:12amAh yes, green architecture. The most boring class in my whole school. I can feel my will to get through school fading. It drains me of my happiness. I should probably get back to my work though.
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4/21/2022 9:35amCoding is so boring, so here I am! Nothing is really happening but I did just find the book I lost in the 5th grade! That's pretty cool!
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My memory. - 4/20/2022 8:25amI have found one piece! Sadly it was the piece with all the bad memories. Oh well!
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My memory. - 4/19/2022 7:53amMy memory had shattered. If you find any pieces could you return them to me? I feel like I am missing something important.
My memory. - 4/19/2022 7:51amThe Reality Accident really hurt my friends. They are distant and I don't bother calling out to them because I know that they cannot hear me. I have also developed a taste for lemon ice cream. That is kind of strange. My first school is pretty good though. I am learning about density. It is boring but easy. My dog believes that she is a bird now. I think that was an effect of the Reality Accident. My mother is finding a new job ever since the Accident. I also forgot about my ... something. Wow, the Accident has really messed me up. I think I need to go to a doctor.