Help Me!

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Sha Robinson
- 11/19/2019 5:20pm

Ready to explore the universe and all the dimensions of the mind.

Sha Robinson
- 11/19/2019 5:31pm

I need help. If your a true psychic you will come in my dream. I’ll be waiting. Peace.

Duncan Moranz
- 11/20/2019 8:37am

I’ll give you help, Sha. I am a grammar psychic.

It should be “If you are a true psychic” or “If you’re a true psychic.” “Your” is possessive, like “Your psychic power is grammar.”

My apologies. My power is a curse! I can’t help it! My psychic grammar power flows through me like lightning. I only want to help humanity defeat the evil of incorrect grammar.

Thank you for your understanding. I hope this helps.

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