Ghost problems

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Miranda Ashdove
- 1/27/2017 9:14am

@Crystal Rosethorn
I heard about your ghost problem. Although I work with demons, not ghosts, I think your ghosts want food even though they can no longer eat. I have a jar of souls I ordered (I ordered dark souls but they sent me neutral souls!!?) but I'm not using it so perhaps the ghosts can eat that? If that doesn't work, try taking them to the ghost fountain, the one on the floating moonlight island. It's a popular ghost hot spot and maybe they just want to socialize?
Best of luck,
-Mirana Ashdove

Crystal Rosethorn
- 1/27/2017 10:25am

Thanks,i'll try that...They are interrupting my studies,and i mean i'm used to having one or two watching over my shoulder,but i get strange looks when i'm walking down the hall way and there is 30 ghosts following me,all talking and yelling and ya...and i keep getting complaints about them visiting OTHER room mate had to move to the Lower Levels,since they got to loud. They are even messing up the Internet! Thank you,so very much...if ANYONE else has ideas,please post here! Who knows,they may start bothering you.

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