Fitting In

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Blu Pepper
- 2/7/2017 7:46pm

Even though this school is meant for those who have never fit in, I am still ostracized from my peers. Not because they aren't kind (on the contrary, most go out of their way to help), but because my "psychic" abilities are different and downright strange. If I focus, I can hear the faint whispers of nature; trees and flowers sing melodic tunes in a language I cannot comprehend, but it feels as though they are trying to tell me something important. Also, I discovered that I can heal with a brush of my fingers. My legs do not always respond correctly as I'm still not used to them, so I typically have an array of cuts and bruises on my legs. When I'm nervous, I tend to run the tips of my fingers across whatever surface is nearest, and I began to notice that my ailments would miraculously disappear afterwards.

I also differ physically. My eyes change match whatever body of water is nearest to me and can range from a crystalline aqua to unsettling greenish-blue, and I have noticed two abrasions on my back. My skin seems to shimmer at inconvenient times, and most of my features are outrageously dainty and don't look like they belong. In my short time spent in my new life, I have discovered so much about myself, but my origins still remain a mystery. I am starting to wonder if I truly belong here at all.

Crystal Rosethorn
- 2/8/2017 6:10am

Hey...your not the only one who feel's they don't fit in. I really don't either...i have the ability to speak almost any language,without really knowing it to well...and am a great people reader. A few ghost powers,a dash of mind reading,and a few natural powers. I can even Shape Shift! I get strange looks all the time...Hey,after my adventure,we could meet up sometime and talk? Maybe we could even test out our powers! That could be fun...anyways good luck to both of us!

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