Miri Crosswire
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The Alteration Society - 4/24/2016 5:53pmMy uniform grew into me a few days ago.
The tags started chewing into me almost right away, but I let them. If this new uniform is going to help me with my problem then I want to give it every chance. I noticed the tags were starting to root around - like blind baby birds stretching out to be fed. I let one attach to my finger and it bit me with its little needle teeth and started suckling. I pulled it off, and when I was wearing my uniform the next day and felt the little tags attaching themselves to my body, I let them.
Now I can feel they've grown in pretty far. If I pull on my uniform I can feel how deeply they've sent their little roots inside of me. At first I felt kind of woozy, but started eating more and now I feel great. Seriously, better than I ever have. I'm stronger, and best of all I can feel my third eye starting to come alive like it never has.
I think to get the most out of our new uniforms, we need to let them attach themselves and start branching out inside us. It doesn't hurt much after the initial entry into your system. And then it starts to feel really good. Don't be afraid! Let it take you!! You won't be sorry.
The Alteration Society - 4/14/2016 8:45amI'm not sure if my new uniform is working or not. It's supposed to enhance my third eye, which they say is "lazy" or "wandering," so it doesn't have the focus it could. This new uniform is supposed to train my third eye to track better, and they said that it might be uncomfortable at first. They were sure right about that. My third eye is totally sore.
Anyway, I am excited for this to work! Apparently seeing everyone with dog heads and bright green auras isn't what everybody else sees, but I'll just have to take your word on that.
The Alteration Society - 4/12/2016 10:47amAs I was saying, they took one look at me and this morning delivered a uniform that enhances my third eye. My third eye is under performing, so this new uniform should help that and maybe eventually I won't need to wear it all the time. Plus, the cost is subsidized by the school as part of my IPEP (individualized psychic education program).
I am glad the Alteration Society has an arrangement with the school for this, because it would be hard to afford it otherwise.
The Alteration Society - 4/12/2016 10:37amHooray! I got my new uniform and the "measurements" weren't such a big deal. They took one look at me and this morn
The Alteration Society - 4/11/2016 1:33pmIs this how you do this? I will put a sock in my window tonight and see what happens.