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5/2/2019 6:50pm

Feeling a little feverish today. Naturally I get sick on my first day of school, although looking back on my journal this is apparently my second entry. I try not to spoil myself for the future, as it can cause an annoying time loop every now and again, so I've refrained from reading it. Oh well. Just in case I didn't mention it already, I'm more or less permanently stuck in a time loop. I don't know why I wouldn't mention it on the first page, but maybe future me figured that past me would have already written it. It's a little confusing. I'll only read the entries when the dates on them have passed, just to be safe.

Thank goodness for on-campus housing, I don't know what I'd do without it. If I had to drive to class every day it could cause a major accident, seeing as the time shifts happen randomly and against my will. My father and I learned the hard way that driving is a no-no back when I was sixteen.

Walking to class is still dangerous, but way less so for everyone involved.

Anyways. I'll write more once I manage to attend a class without time shifting out of it.


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5/1/2019 8:01pm

Looks like I woke up in the wrong side of the clock again. Have I mentioned how frustrating it is to live in a permanent time warp? Scratch that, I just flipped to the front of the book, and no, I haven't. Because somehow this is my first entry. This is gonna take some getting used to.

At least the warps don't seem to effect me longer than a day. Sometimes I'll wake up at six in the evening instead of the morning, or in this case at ten at night instead of eight am. I wonder how I'll attend class. Maybe I should just opt for online courses.

- Len

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