Terror Bean

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The Historic Haunted Liberty Theater Field Trip
2/29/2016 6:16pm

Hey this sounds like a great opportunity! I am letting my Ghost City Council know today. Thanks @Pansy Carmichael.

The Alteration Society
3/19/2016 2:29pm

My uniform doesn't fit. Does anybody's? And it's scratchy. There is a group of girls on campus who will do alterations for you but it's super secret and you have to be invited and then it's expensive. But if you put a single sock in your window over night it's a sign that you want to make contact.

I'm hanging my sock tonight.

The Alteration Society
3/21/2016 11:20am

Got my new uniform back this morning. It's sharkskin, with shark's teeth in the soles of the shoes, and a big dorsal fin on the back that picks up signals from the ocean-sky. I'm walking around campus following schools of freshmen and weirdos. I've never felt more alive! Thank you Alteration Society!!!

Twenty Minutes Club
4/6/2016 10:08pm

Hey I used to work at the Goldentouch, @Mulemai Selenei. I didn't know it struck such fear into the hearts of the Red Pumas. They used to come into the place with their leather jackets and their motorcycles parked outside and order breakfast just like everybody else. I was just a dishwasher but sometimes I had to bus and I'd see them at the counter, digging into their butter and waffles like everybody else.

I guess it's true we were Breakfast Alchemists. And that syrup. YUM!

Twenty Minutes Club
4/7/2016 2:23pm

Ah, Leo. The manager at the Goldentouch. I remember him fondly. He knew we got paid crap so he turned a blind eye to us taking a few things home from the walk-in now and again.

I always grabbed the biggest and fluffiest pieces of Texas Toast. I'd tie them to the roof of my VW like mattresses and drive out to the park and fly them like kites. Nothing like soaking up the rays in the park with a few pieces of giant Texas Toast hanging way up high up in the air, tethered to the ground with super strong twine.

Twenty Minutes Club
4/7/2016 10:46pm

You should not recycle Rusty, @Beck! Instead he should join the Twenty Minutes Breakfast Club with me and @xiirth! A Toaster Golem would be perfect for our "breakfast alchemy," and definitely be a big help because speed is such an important factor (obviously) in the twenty minute breakfast.

Plus, with your own toasting shirt, we'd TOTALLY have toast covered. And it's an important base - one of the four ancient elements of the western breakfast, in fact.

Twenty Minutes Club
4/10/2016 9:01pm

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Which is why we have a whole day dedicated to honoring breakfast - Sunday!

This morning, we greeted the Great Yolk in the Sky wearing our white table linen cloaks, shaking the shakers, and chanting the ritual incantations. Then we performed the Throwing of the Spoons (the number that land bowl-side up determines how the eggs will be prepared). Today: scrambled.

This was followed by the Drawing of the Dark and Light (toast), the Squeezing of the Orb (where the rays of the sun are symbolically released from an orange), and then--the Sizzling.

Sweets were brought forth, fruits sliced, white milks frothed, and bitter black drinks were brewed.

I only washed dishes at the Goldentouch, @Hazel Mektis, so this isn't something I've ever done professionally. But I did watch the chef/monks very carefully. After leaving the Goldentouch, I became involved in the breakfast community just because I found it holds really deep and special meaning for me.

Twenty Minutes Club
4/21/2016 11:09pm

I'm a dishwasher, not a professional cook, but I paid close attention to the kitchen at the Goldentouch. I think that blackened egg you cooked is actually a sign of success, @billie buttersworth! It's the very first stage on the breakfast path.

Tomorrow, I'd like to treat you to a Psychic Continental Breakfast. I'll bring you a red robe and the zingiest orange juice and most heavenly pastries you can imagine. You do the coffee.