Aramis Graves

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Goth Clubs For Sale
9/9/2017 7:40pm

For sale: One set of goth clubs, barely used. Finest Romanian craftsmanship, the irons contain swords in their shafts, and the woods feature ornate, grotesquely carved heads. Shrouded funerary goth bag in excellent shape. Will include a box of six unused luminescent fungoid goth balls at no extra charge. Serious inquires only. Blackwolf Dorm room 313.

Goth Clubs For Sale
9/12/2017 2:40pm

Please see previous message re: "serious inquiries," @gavcrowleys.

We may consider a mint-condition set of the Bettini Cylinders, or an original edition of Joy Division's 1978 An Ideal for Living EP in exchange for this highly unique and original item. (These clubs were originally acquired by my older brother when it was featured on GSN -- the Goth Shopping Network -- and the price he paid for them was indeed high.)

Keep in mind, @gavcrowleys, that this set of clubs is quite heavy, and would be very difficult to for a crow to manipulate. Also, cursed.

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