Anna Fate

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A Simple Warning
9/25/2015 8:38am

If you see someone in the halls lugging around a stone statue in a wheelbarrow, come say hi, that's me! My room-mate has made it quite clear to me that they don't want a screaming statue to be interrupting her study time, so I'm forced to lug him to and from classes. I don't think my teachers will be very pleased, but I'm sure they'd let me leave him out in the hallway.

A Simple Warning
9/25/2015 8:35am

It seems that one of my Stone Musics has started malfunctioning! And so soon, I was hoping I had at least a week of "no ties attached" music. Oh well, that was not to be, and one of my Stone Musicians won't stop screaming. It's a horribly gritty sound. I'll be sending him off soon to get fixed, but there are no guarantees. He normally sings some very nice death metal, and I think he got stuck on a particularly difficult section of a song.

A Simple Warning
9/25/2015 8:31am

Hey, first journal post.

I'm Anna Fate, I like music, poetry, and I've made sure to bring my Stone Music Collection with me to Psyhigh. (Stone Musics are musicians who have been turned to stone through a very complicated Scientific process, and now sing and play instruments on command.)