The Monster of Psy High

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- 1/9/2015 11:42pm

Leave it to Psyhigh to keep the Christmas lights up this long. And they don't even believe in Christmas - it's all QMAS this and YMAS that. God I hate this place.

However, @Alastor Dimitri, you picked a hell of a time to fry the system. I had just suited up in the Sonic Destroyer 3.0 - the powered body armor that focuses any sound you make into a directed force weapon. The whole thing seals up airtight, because I want it to be able to go underwater, so it's like a small submarine with legs and arms. You probably saw it in the corner of my room. Likely buried under some dirty clothes.

I had myself all sealed up in it and had just locked down the helmet when the circuits blew, and even though I'm running the whole room on those big batteries I had you charge, there was an arc and and a zap and the suit went completely dead! And without any juice, you can't move in it at all. Every piece of it is power steering.

So I was locked up in that thing for what, six hours? Luckily the re-breathers in it don't need power. Yeah, luckily. OR I WOULDN'T BE HERE TYPING THIS!!!! I yelled for like 45 minutes but all it did was hurt my ears. I mean, I know made it soundproof because of the sonic weaponry, but I was just frustrated.

I must have been sobbing, delusional, when the power came back on, because suddenly BAM! through the visor I see my computer table BLOW UP, and then BAM! the work bench goes, and it was my whimpers that were activating the sound weapon, and then I yelled "No, wait! Stop!" and BAM! BAM! BAM! I blow up my dresser, and my desk, and a big hole next to the window. Yeah, that was stupid. But I was half asleep, and exhausted from being locked up in that thing all night.

Which leads me to the conclusion that yes, Alastor, you do need to get yourself under control. But it's going to take me days just to get my workshop back in order. So in the meantime, I dunno, wear gloves or something? Sheesh!

Alastor Dimitri
- 1/10/2015 4:54am

@kubert Sorry about your room mate. And freaking awesome as it would be to walk around campus basically being a WMD in that suit, i need something more practical....something that i can pass the volts through, without them jumping out on their own. Like a switch. These accessories should be able to fit under my clothes, or even be my clothes. But if you want me to test in the suit i will. Anytime you ask. And did you ever put the fact that i coud power the suit while inside it, into the equation?

- 1/10/2015 12:18pm

Oh, the Sonic Destroyer 3.0 mecha-suit's not meant for you, @Alastor Dimitri. It's for me. You're just the power source for my batteries!

But we do need to get you stabilized, without compromising the quality of your electrical output. Seriously, have you tried just some rubber gloves? I know a place online we can get you a whole rubber outfit...

Alastor Dimitri
- 1/10/2015 12:35pm

Dude....ive tried...@kubert its so freaking horrible....its tight and hot and horrible. Maybe we can combat my power output with a rival one. You know. Or maybe try electromagnetic pulses.

Alastor Dimitri
- 1/11/2015 8:30am

Gotta love it when you are just sitting in bed, then you hear a loud noise and electricity arcs between your back and the wall, then the lightbulb explodes....blackness...i wake up three hours later....

- 1/12/2015 1:20pm

I have hired Larry Moon, Skunk Detective, to help me with the staticky problem of @Alastor Dimitri. Larry Moon said that he would "look into" the problem and that I would need to pay him a "retainer." I did not know there were orthodontosists in the woods but Larry Moon explained to me that what he meant was eggs. Larry Moon likes fried egg sandwiches very much, and as long as I can keep him in fried egg sandwiches he will look into the problem of that staticky Alastor Dimitri. He also needs American cheese.

First I started by going to the store to buy a dozen eggs and American cheese. Larry Moon already has bread. There is a market by the school so I could walk there and buy the farm fresh eggs and the not farm fresh sliced and individually wrapped American cheeses and put them in my basket and take them back to Larry Moon's Skunk Detective Office in the woods. And who did I look just like do you think but Little Red Riding Hood! Except I was not wearing red. It was mostly the basket.

But now I can find Larry Moon's office in the woods just fine, and when I got there he was not a gruff and rough customer at all but very nice and he made fried egg sandwiches with American cheese for both of us. Larry Moon is a fried egg sandwich expert and he can flip the egg in the pan with one hand! I did not know you could do that. But Larry Moon says he has lots of experience. And his sandwiches were very good and now fried egg sandwich with cheese is my favorite sandwich.

I do not know what Larry Moon will do about Alastor Dimitri's staticky problem and Larry Moon said he would not know either until he "looked into it." He said that every problem was a different problem and if you tried to solve it without looking into it you would have very bad luck indeed.

So Larry Moon got out a little pendulum and a deck of funny cards and I shuffled the cards for Larry Moon and he made a pretty pattern on the table with them and then he held the pendulum over the cards and was very quiet for a long time, and I could hear him breathing and looking into it and maybe I was a little dizzy. And then he said he had to go and he would "keep me posted."

Now I will wait to hear from him. And in a few days I will bring him more eggs and American cheeses.

- 1/16/2015 10:16pm

I got an update from Larry Moon, Skunk Detective, about his looking into the staticky problem of that @Alastor Dimitri. I do not think he has discovered anything yet about Alastor Dimiri's electrical problem but he is working hard and I will bring him more fixings for his fried egg sandwiches tomorrow. Here is what he sent me.


To: Fawn
Psychic High School
Juniper Hall Room B-27

From: Larry Moon
Skunk Detective

Client Report
Case #972972
The Staticky Problem of Alastor Dimitri

There was an icy wind blowing that night. One of those cutting, cold winds that make your tail curl and your fur itch. On nights like that every animal in the woods is deep in their den, tucked away hard and dreaming of spring. Trying to rouse an animal in that state is like trying to raise the dead. And if you do succeed in rousing one, you just might find their fangs in your neck.

The cards hadn't told me much. The kid shuffled funny, and the cards I drew told me just one story: wind, stars, snow. I played wise, like it all meant something. But the truth was it just didn't add up.

The kid had presented me with an electrical issue. One of her schoolmates was lousy with sparks, shooting off in all directions, zapping innocents like her in the process. But he was an innocent too. It wasn't his fault he was full of the juice. The juice was using him. But why him? What game was it playing?

We animals don't take native to electricity. No need for it. But the closer the city gets, the more we run into it. Wires above, wires below. It's becoming almost like branches and roots.

I needed to get to the root of the matter, so I started down below and hit the Warrens. It's a familiar place (no pun intended), with its own society and rules. The underground. The tunnels of the burrowing types all interconnect - the Skunks, the Badgers, the Groundhogs, the Raccoons and Rabbits and even the Rats. All the tunnels ever made by all our grandparents and theirs before theirs, honeycombing the hills and beneath the town. There's architecture down there from before any animals have stories for.

I wanted to have a word with the Moles.

In the Warrens it's never too cold or too hot, so the temper of its inhabitants is more predictable. I nodded amicably to a Rabbit here, a Ground Squirrel there, asked a Weasel I know for a tip. Before long I'd found what I was after. The Mole tribe from under the school.

From the moment I showed up, I could tell they had something to hide. Furtive-like. The Moles can't see so well, so they're a bit oblivious to body language. As soon as I started asking, I could tell their cool front was a sham.

Blind as they are, their other senses are stronger. Especially smell.

"Well, I'm sorry, but this case is really getting to me. Feeling a little tense, know what I mean? I'm afraid if I don't make any headway..."

"Don't Larry. Oh please don't."

"It's my nerves. When I get this way, sometimes I have to just... let a little out..."

"For the love of Pete, Larry..."

"Uh oh, I think I feel it coming!"

"Ok! Alright! Don't worry! Hold it in! I'll show you what we found."

Naturally, no self respecting Skunk would do such a thing. But it's a rough world. And I was on the clock.

The Mole took me deeper into his tribe's tunnels. It was a tight squeeze, but suddenly opened up into a large hollow, excavated by the Moles. They'd run into something, and in their frustration were digging it out. And "it" was big.

"Some kind of saucer?"

"Who can say? Not till we dig it all out. Definitely metallic. Circular. Parabolic and slightly concave."

"You figure an antenna?"

"That's my guess."

I thanked the Mole, and promised to clue him in next time I found a big nest of earthworms.

To my reckoning, that antenna is pointing straight up at Juniper Hall.

Alastor Dimitri
- 1/18/2015 8:05am

Its been a week since my accident. I have a large burn on my back. Ive been losing sleep again. It feels as though my electricity is becoming stronger. I fear that if i dont find a ground or some kind of limit switch soon, more people will be hurt. I believe also that once my power is too strong for my body, i will be violently ripped apart in a hail of elictrical bolts.

- 1/19/2015 12:04pm

Through my prodigious mad (scientist) skillz, I have built a machine that should help @Alastor Dimitri with his problem. It won't actually *cure* his electrical issue, but it should focus all that power in a way that will keep him from blowing himself up. Which is how I need him - NOT blown up! Plus, it will provide me with the extra source of income I need to continue to fund my work.

So may I introduce to you: The Mythopedic Pocket Universe Projector 9000!

Fundamentally, it takes Alastor's tremendous energy and focuses it through a series of tubes, creating an entirely new, discrete, bubble reality. Alastor's consciousness itself is projected into that universe in the process, so he will essentially be transported into that reality, which is created by his own mind. Or something. Haven't really worked out everything that goes into the creation of these mythopedic pocket universes. No idea really what it'll be.

While this will all be essentially "real" to Alastor, his actual body will not be transported. It will remain on the projection bed, with a transcap in place on his head, and electrodes attached to various parts of his body. Through the transcap, we will be able to "see" the world that Alastor finds himself in via the viewscreen.

And here's the best part - Alastor's experiences will be available for anyone to watch - on a Pay Per View basis! That's right! I've already put up flyers around campus with the URL, so students can log in, pay a small fee (via Psycoins, or Psypal) and watch Alastor's adventures in his Mythopedic Pocket Universe! All revenue gained through the PPV will allow me to continue my research and kit out the lab in my dorm room.

Oh, and focusing Alastor's power like this should keep it from burning him up. Or whatever.

So, it's all ready - just need Alastor to lay down on the table and fire it up. Keep an eye on Alastor's reports of his Adventures in Mythopedic-land! All major psychic credit cards accepted.

Alastor Dimitri
- 1/19/2015 12:10pm

@kubert. Brainiac. Im smart. Not that smart. And i also dont feel super comfortable with people watching me in my sleep. Or being inside my head. Worth a shot though.

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