The Monster of Psy High

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Alastor Dimitri
- 4/2/2015 8:37pm

So its been almost a month since ive changed. Mostly thanks to @Fawn and @kubert. I feel alot better. I dont electrically shock anyone that much anymore. Unless they piss me off. Life at Psyhigh is great. Im taking Astronomy and lessons on Astral Progection. Im having alot of fun...its kinda like I have a new family. Im so grateful I still look like myself. Im gonna need a new red leather trenchcoat soon though. My old ones getting tight. My eyes have gotten to get bright red wheniII use my powers now! Blue to bright red. How odd. Anyways, Alastor signing off.

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- 3/9/2015 10:44pm

@Alastor Dimitri is doing a lot better now. When @Fawn and I first found him awake in his room, sitting up in his bed, she said he looked like a raccoon in the headlights, with his eyes glowing in the dark like that. He looked kind of white and gold to me, but she thought he looked blue and black.

Since then, he's left his room, and is finally starting to explore Psyhigh like a normal student. He's hardly been to any of his classes since he started, but - thanks to my recordings of his pay-per-view stream - he's not only got full credit for it all but straight A's to boot! Now I've got all kinds of kids lined up who want a crack at the Mythopedic Pocket Universe Projector 9000, because they can fight demons or whatever and get great grades and not go to class! It's booked up through summer at this point - definitely my most successful machine yet. The school is even giving me a direct line to their pet Black Hole so I can power it full time.

But I wonder who The Monster of Psy High really was. Was it Alastor's demon all along, with its mud-red eyes of hate and silver hair, trapped inside him until he could confront it and decapitate it and finally become the being composed of pure electrical energy he was always meant to be? Or was it some darker, shadowy figure - the one pulling the strings behind the scenes with the Deer and the antenna? I suppose we'll never really know.

Whoever it was, it wasn't Alastor, he's a great kid. And I'm glad he's finally become the kid he was always meant to be - one composed of pure electrical energy - and able to have a normal life here, as a student at Psychic High School.

Alastor Dimitri
- 3/7/2015 7:28am

I fought for days. It kept coming...alot faster... @kubert...I could tell i wasnt in the machine anymore...i finally got a its achilles achilles was me. It was but it wasnt. I saw my mid-length silver hair...and my mud-red eyes...but my hair was tinted black and my eyes glowed with hate. All my features were sharp and trained. This was my demon. I stood over myself and decapitated it. As I killed me, I evaporated into electrical energy, and it flowed through me I woke up screaming then blacked out. Im sitting in the dark now... @kubert @Fawn i need you guys...

- 3/2/2015 1:24pm

Larry Moon, Skunk Detective, says he is all better now put I do not think that skunk is up to par again yet. It is hard to tell about skunk eyes because of all the fur but they are not so swollen anymore I do not think. He is back to making delicious fried egg sandwiches with cheese again but his ribs are still a little sore I know because of the grunting when he gets up out of his detective chair.

But he says that his part of the staticky problem of that @Alastor Dimitri is fixed, and though he did not put a tail or a grounding wire on Alastor Dimitri he says that the staticky problem should be better now. He says the problem was that Alastor needed "the juice" and that he did not have enough is what the problem was. Do you want to know what he said to me here it is:


To: Fawn
Psychic High School
Juniper Hall Room B-27

From: Larry Moon
Skunk Detective

Client Report
Case #972972
The Staticky Problem of Alastor Dimitri

The problem with the generator kid - @Alastor Dimitri - was big. And it went right to the top. Trouble is, when you're just a lowly woodland gumshoe like me - it's tough to see just how high that top goes.

For me, as high as I could get was Beggar's Leap, and the President of the Deer. The Deer have their antlers in all the forest rackets - garbage, gambling, you name it. Between their height and their hooves, they're in a position to put the squeeze on most anything that goes down in this neck of the woods.

That apparently includes crypto-archeology. There's plenty of it around, if you know how to see it, and everything around here has been built up over and around it. One piece of the puzzle was the big antenna the Moles discovered underneath the school. But the big dish was cold - the power had been cut. Somebody made a deal with the Deer to keep it that way.

Now I can't say I know the who or the why, but I've never turned down a chance to through a wrench in the Deer's program.

Through my mole in the Moles, I made a deal they couldn't turn down. Finding them a motherlode of worms and grubs was easy. A few baskets of white grub truffles in a nest of worms and the Mole Queen was more than happy to do her magic. The workers set the cable, found a power node, and the Queen herself performed the ritual to flip the switch. The power started to flow, and the antenna started to broadcast its energy - straight up through the school, and right up the wazoo of @Alastor Dimitri.

Lit him up like a Christmas Tree.

The trouble had been that the kid was sputtering. Not enough juice to establish a stable resonance, so he found himself discharging and shooting off at the drop of a hat. Now he's been fully charged, and the cascade effect should keep him that way, sustainably, stable-like, for who knows how long. Maybe forever? How long does a being composed entirely of pure electrical energy live, anyway?

The why of it all is still beyond me, and I'm in the mood to keep it that way. Who built that antenna, so long ago, and why? Is it just coincidence the kid happened to end up parked above it? Who was paying off the Deer? And is the kid's fate even part of it?

Anyway, the staticky issue should be solved. I expect the Deer aren't too happy, losing their contract and all on keeping the power off, and I expect they'll find ways to let me know it. But like I've said, we were never friends in the first place.

Case #972972 - Case Closed
Larry Moon, Skunk Detective


Larry Moon, Skunk Detective, says his work is done, and that I do not need to bring him his eggs and cheeses any more. But I do like that skunk so I think I am going to keep visiting him now and again sometimes. He is a rough customer, but he is a good skunk.

The staticky problem of that @Alastor Dimitri does seem solved, because now there is no more static in the halls and hairs do not stand on end and the walls are not sticky anymore for Megan and Rai's secret hamster no matter how much they rub him on the carpet. But that Alastor Dimitri is not up and at 'em yet. He is different now, because of his new all-electricalness, but he does not move. He only glows and lays on his bed. That tricky boy @kubert says it is not his fault and the contraption did not hurt the brain of Alastor, but that now that Alastor is all-electrical all-the-time maybe he is in a cocoon growing inside his electric chrysalis until his electric liver and electric lungs get all grown out right.

It is funny because I wanted to find Alastor a tail but instead we turned him into a butterfly! I hope he wakes up soon so he can enjoy his new all-electrical body and not being crazy with his statickiness anymore.

- 2/22/2015 9:12pm

Students aren't happy that "Alastor's Adventures on The Other Side" is over (case in point the graffiti on my door) but mostly I'm just worried about @Alastor Dimitri, and if he's going to come out of it.

After his body apparently became composed entirely of pure electrical energy, I unplugged him from The Mythopedic Pocket Universe Projector 9000 and wheeled him out into the hall and left him there, figuring I'd just play it cool and pretend it was all normal. I mean, people leave weirder stuff out in the halls.

But he just kept... glowing, and it's almost like he's floating just millimeters above his bed. There's no electrical funny business - nobody's hair is standing on end, no sparks, no heat.

So I wheeled him down to his room and slipped him back in. I hope the machine didn't damage his brain. I think it's all up to him now.

Alastor Dimitri
- 2/19/2015 9:12am

Its been long since I realized this wasnt my world anymore. But as I lay across a long desk I swear i could feel this realm shaking and I have an odd burning feeling spreading through my body. I felt eyes on me again. "Why dont we take this outside" I said quietly under my breath. I broke the glass and jumped two stories to the ground. I shouldve broken an ankle but I rolled. The sun was burnt black but somehow, the world was still lit. I sent a current through my scythe and put my guard up.

- 2/19/2015 9:03am

Oh gee oh gee oh gee... there's some really funny electrical feedback business going on. I really hope I didn't break @Alastor Dimitri! The PPV subscriptions were just starting to pay off!

Anyway, that little witch @Fawn came to my door this morning and told me to "get ready" but who ever knows what she's talking about. Something about the "mole electricians" and "turning it on." Yeah, right, whatever. I gave her a PPV flyer and thanked her for her interest and turned her around and locked the door.

But then, suddenly, Alastor's body began to rattle... and glow.... The PPV feed of "Alastor's Adventures on The Other Side" went dark, Alastor's head started banging on the table... he almost bit his mouth guard in two.

Then with the glowing. And a growing, high pitched hum. His hair started to stand straight out, and he began to levitate off the table.

And more glowing. First there was just a golden aura around him. Then his skin began to sparkle, and beams of light were shooting out of his eyes. And his fingertips. And his toes. There was a little bit of a burning smell... I suppose it was frying his toe jam and bellybutton fuzz.

Then, he settled back down on the table and the hum subsided. He looks peaceful enough... EXCEPT HE'S STILL GLOWING! He's still got his body shape, but it's like he's been filled with beautiful, golden, shimmering static and light.

If I didn't know better, I'd say he's become a being composed of pure electrical energy.

He's still not waking up, though. I hope the The Mythopedic Pocket Universe Projector 9000 didn't, er... break his mind or anything. I'm sure he's fine... except being composed of pure electrical energy.

If he doesn't wake up soon, should I take him to the clinic? I didn't quite get, er, permission or anything to build the The Mythopedic Pocket Universe Projector 9000, or put anybody in it...

Maybe I'll just wheel Alastor's table out into the hall... or put him back in his room or something and just pretend everything's normal...

- 2/18/2015 1:27am

Larry Moon, Skunk Detective, ran into some rough business. I was knocking hard at his door three times and was about to leave and do you know what he appeared but he looked very beat up! I did not know what to do for such a beat up Skunk Detective but he sent me to the market for a beefsteak to put on his eyes. I did not know to put a beefsteak on beat up eyes but I have not had much experience with rough business before.

I am worried about Larry Moon. I did not want to endanger him or any of the woodland creatures but I know there are some tough customers out there because I have seen the nature videos. It is nature's way is what Larry Moon says. But he is intent on solving the staticky problem of that @Alastor Dimitri and I do think maybe he is solving it yes I do!


To: Fawn
Psychic High School
Juniper Hall Room B-27

From: Larry Moon
Skunk Detective

Client Report
Case #972972
The Staticky Problem of Alastor Dimitri

The Deer didn't like what I was looking into. Not one bit.

Jack Page, the President of the Deer, doesn't do his own dirty work. He's got his cabinet for that. They let me know in no uncertain terms that Beggar's Leap was no place for a nosy Skunk Detective. Or any animal of the wood, poking around the Ley Lines of their operation.

Between the kicks of the hooves and the pokes of the antlers, I got off a few choice lines.

"You've got a mighty big dish down there to run!" (oooof!)

"Yeah well it won't be running anytime soon, Mr. Mephitidae!"

(a hoof to my ribs)

"How do you power that big antenna?" (urrrrgh!)

"Power? We'll keep it cold till long after you're gone, stinky!"

(a few points of antler ram into my chest)

"What? Aren't you feeding it juice?" (ummph!)

"We're keeping it off the big grid, you little Squunck!"

(a pair of hooves to my skull)

It was about then I tumbled over Beggar's Leap.

And right down into my cousin's cabbage patch.

It's a fair drop, but a lithe skunk like me doesn't have much mass. A lot of fur, sure, but wet, I'm not much bigger than a ferret.

Through my cousin, and the skunk underground, I was able to make it back to my burrow. Beaten, but not deterred.

And now I knew the secret.

That big antenna, the one the Moles discovered underneath the school. It wasn't zapping the kid - the staticky one with the electrical problem - @Alastor Dimitri. It was there *for* him, just waiting to give him the juice he really needed. How it got there - who put it there - we'll never know. But the Deer had a deal to keep it off line. Somebody put in the fix to keep that antenna dead, and hired the Deer to keep it that way.

I've got no problem with the Deer, as a species. But when particular Deer make it their business to try and bump me off, then I've got an issue. And if they want to keep that antenna off the grid, then my main goal is to get it on. Full power.

I've got a proposition for the Moles. I think we'll be wiring that antenna up real soon.

Alastor Dimitri
- 2/13/2015 12:01pm

I hear a hiss of sparks after the enemy's last pass and I feel its presence leave me. I find a nearby classroom and duck in. I lock the door and think "As if thats gonna make a difference." I believe its gone for now. Ill try to contact @kubert again. I need help, but I dont think my body can leave until this is over.

- 2/12/2015 11:45pm

Sorry about that @JP, our signal to @Alastor Dimitri on "The Other Side" does keep timing out, but I promise you our techs (ok, just me) are working hard to repair the signal and keep it strong, and will bring you more of Alastor's Adventures very soon, right after these messages.

We'd like to thank all the contributors to the PsyStarter project for the Alastor's Adventures PPV Network! Without your continued support, we wouldn't be able to keep bringing you this great programming, from inside Alastor's mind, projected onto a 9th dimensional hypersphere we're able to generate with your continued support! 100% of all contributions you make - in Psibits or Shadecoins - go to keeping the Mythopedic Pocket Universe Projector 9000 running, and on a continual upgrade path to better bring you Alastor's signal 24/7!

Alright, I think our technicians have been able to restore the feed. Now, back to your regularly scheduled psystream of Alastor Dimitri on... "The Other Side!"

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