Hi! I’m Clary

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- 12/3/2020 1:20pm

Hello, my name is Clary. im new to PsyHigh, and i just want some tips on helping me through my journey.

Lia Bezos
- 12/4/2020 8:16am

Hi Clary! My name is Lia. I’ve been here for 2 years. My advice: DO NOT walk to school on 4th avenue. After the reality incident, cavemen started popping up everywhere. They carry huge wooden clubs, so if you have other options, steer clear of them.

Lucas Arrum
- 12/4/2020 12:31pm

Hey Clary! I'm new as well! I've been here for a couple weeks now. One piece of advice that I have is that you should probably believe every rumor you hear. All of them, even the ones that sound impossible. They're most likely more real than you think.

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