Briney Psychogenic Worm

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Tyler Doherty
- 5/20/2016 7:16am

I enjoy butt stuff.

Andrew Lin
- 5/20/2016 7:22am

hey guys journal entry number 2. im really exciting to start at this new school and meet a bunch of cool new kids with all sorts of abilities. i just want you to know i have no anus so dont even try that. ;) but seriously im excited see you you all in the fall!

Tyler Doherty
- 5/20/2016 7:23am

Hey friends at PsyHigh, I'm so "Psyched" to meat all all of you, If anyone wants to be my friend just contact me at 1-800-BUTT-STUFF.

Tyler Doherti
- 5/20/2016 7:33am


Gabby Hughes
- 5/20/2016 7:35am

suck my ass.

Kiki Fluenza
- 5/20/2016 12:34pm

Sometimes young psychics - usually boys - can become inordinately focused on their bottoms. Through the years there have been many theories as to what creates this complex, but modern psychic imaging technology has now definitively found the cause.

This obsession with their own bottoms stems from the Briney Psychogenic Worm taking root in their lower bowels, then growing to great size on the astral plane (sometimes up to 3 meters). Through psychic imaging devices, the tails of the Briney Psychogenic Worm can be seen rising out of the pants of the patient far above their own head, flowing in the the psychic wind.

The infestation of the Briney Psychogenic Worm is generally harmless, though can be embarrassing for the patient once they realize the source of their obsession and how it influences their public behavior. As no one is interested in touching their Briney Psychogenic Worms, it is ultimately up to the patient to remove it themselves.

Dr. Kiki Fluenza, D.P.M.

Tyler Doherty
- 5/20/2016 2:28pm

How can they claim to be the REEL Tyler Doherty if they can't even spell Doherty correctly?? I bet they don't even know that everyone knows that Costco keeps their cost low.

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