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Advanced Healing magic elective
2/25/2021 11:26am

This school is awesome. I've been practicing magic on and off campus and i am proud to say i have intermediate control over most forms of my abilities. I hope to master the art of healing to become a healer and help others!

Advanced Healing magic elective
2/25/2021 11:28am

This elective is awesome. As we learn the anatomy of various creatures in order to learn how to heal and help other people and creatures, it is exciting how we will be able to become advanced healers.

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About your new favorite elf
2/26/2021 8:00am

Hello. I am new to this school and have so far enjoyed every aspect of learning here! The teachers are very kind and knowledgeable. A little about me: I am a fifteen year old elf who specializes in healing magic and familiar magic. I enjoy healing with my magic and creating new spells and poultices with magic!

About your new favorite elf
2/26/2021 8:06am

I forgot to mention some important things: i enjoy archery and making special arrows out of enchanted wood. My guilty secret is that I love human makeup and I love to wear lots of human makeup everyday.

About your new favorite elf
2/26/2021 8:08am

Pfft. I forget the most important things sometimes. My name is Feather, but my human name is sophie, and i go by sophu as a petname among friends.

About your new favorite elf
3/1/2021 9:00am

Why do we have to have so much homework? Why does magic require so many essays? Also I've been looking for a familiar to cast a blood bond with. Perhaps a Stoat or a Fox? Any recommendation anyone?

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Advanced Dragon Taming 305
3/1/2021 9:03am

Can petite dragons be blood bonded with? I'm in need of a familiar. My petite blood-fang is almost mature and they are compatible for a blood bond.

3/1/2021 9:10am

@Dadria Mounts
Ive been thinking of a new student initiation group. To help the new kids pick their classes and stuff. Also we could do tutoring and stuff

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3/1/2021 9:11am

@Daydria Mount
I spelled it wrong woops. im clumsy in writing as well *trips and falls into wormhole*

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3/1/2021 10:56am

You know how i clumsily fell into that wormhole? Well its actually two portals right on top of one another. As in ive been falling for like an hour and half. This is quite fun actually. But not for my hair, who knew falling for over an hour repeatedly was bad for a cute, tiny elf's hair! Soooo many tangles. I dropped my cedar wood bow and now it is repeatedly hitting me in the head.

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