Grunt Evans

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9/8/2015 9:21pm

My biker neighbors also like to burn stuff. They don't pay for garbage service, so every couple of months they burn all their garbage in their back yard and it smells terrible. Or pig roasts. At least I tell myself they're pigs. When they have their Black Robe parties. I don't think they're racist bikers though. Well, maybe satanic racist bikers.

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9/7/2015 12:09pm

My neighbors are bikers. Old bikers, with a bunch of old cars and motorcycle parts and broken kitchen appliances in their yard. They've got dogs and tarps and a tent and even set up a horseshoe pit.

All that junk is either a ghost attracter or it's ghost decoy generator, because each night when I walk the dog and go by their place it looks like there are people in their yard, but when you get up close you see it's just junk. But it's so consistent, they've got something going on.

What do those bikers have to do with ghosts?

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