Her make-believe friends

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Annie Sweet
- 6/24/2021 12:15pm

I'm still trapped at Hailey and Wailey's birthday party. Please, I'm tired. Hailey keeps looking at me funny. I keep moving to strategically move out of @Vincent2's sight so he won't try talking to me.

I dozed off a little for a few minutes and had a dream. I was in my bathroom, giving myself an undercut. I gave myself zigzags. I liked it. But when I looked at it in a mirror, I saw Hailey and her paper sitting on the bathtub ledge. I woke up.

I've tried to leave three times, Sweetie stopping me each. She keeps saying to stay till cake. I hope it happens soon. I'm bored, and as much as I like Sweetie, soon I'm just going to take off. It's getting weird.

Theone who knows
- 6/24/2021 6:37pm

I cannot possibly help sweetie because earlier she stated this
But I probably wont come. Its just a fantasy. also, Sophu.

-Out of all these people-Meanie,Vincent 2.0, Vincent,Sweetie,Hailey,Wailey,Bailey, and Kailey,

OnLy OnE oF uS iS aCtUaLlY a ReAl PeRsOn

ThE oThEr SeVeN aRe FiGmEnTs Of ThE rEaL oNeS' iMaGiNaTiOn!!!!!!!!!!!!

GuEsS WhO iT Is!!!

Theone who knows
- 6/24/2021 7:05pm

Or should I say Annie sweet.

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