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Osore Satou
- 10/24/2019 1:55pm

Update on the dog... void... thing. I haven't seen it in a little while, so I had assumed it wandered off, but this morning on my way to my first class I saw it hovering around the outskirts of the campus again.

Now, I always make a point to be on time for classes considering I haven't had the privilege of attending school for a good portion of my life, but this "dog" outweighed my need for being punctual. Call it bad impulse control or what, but if curiosity is going to kill this cat, at least let me get killed by something cool.

So, naturally, I approached the being again and it seemed to recognize me from when we first encountered each other and I fed it. It's body undulated as if it were wiggling out of excitement; Much like I imagine most dogs would after seeing someone who gave them a tasty treat. I sadly didn't have a granola bar to share with it, but I did have a small packaged lunch that I received from King's father. I dug around in my backpack to find it and once I pulled the little brown bag out, the creature began to... for lack of better terms: pulsate violently. Perhaps other students have been doing the same thing, which is why it recognized what I had in my hand as some kind of food?

Either way, I opened the back and displayed half of my chicken sandwich for the being, to which it responded by jumping about happily. I asked it to sit and it did nothing but continue bouncing. Silly of me to assume it was trained when it's clearly an otherworldly being here to trick students into giving it food by being adorable. But hey, what works, works.

I set the retrieved half of my sandwich down on the grass for this being and it ran over immediately, engulfing it's snack in its odd, shimmering form. After... digesting(?) it, the beast approached me and made a very odd noise that resembled a distant train barreling through a thick fog. Oddly specific, I know, but it's all I could think when I heard it. Either way, I believe it was supposed to be a happy noise. I hope it comes back tomorrow, too. I might ask for a little bit extra in my lunch for tomorrow so I can share it.

I also am thinking of naming it Masaaki.

Osore Satou
- 10/15/2019 4:23pm

I thought I saw a dog today on the outskirts of the campus. It had all the makings of a dog. Like a black labrador or something like it. Short, stocky body, long snout, big and floppy ears, etc. However, when I approached it, it turned out to be some kind of undulating mass of raw energy. Maybe it was some kind of otherworldly creature somehow lost in our reality? I wonder if it made itself out to look like a dog to get someone to approach it. Maybe it needs help.

When I realized it wasn't a dog, I made sure to keep my distance, but still offered up half of my granola bar to it. I mean... it did look a little hungry, for a shapeless blob from another dimension, what's the harm in sharing? It... scooted? over to where I set down the granola bar and just engulfed it in its form. Weird. It seemed appreciative, though, and while I didn't allow it to approach me, fearful I might be engulfed as well, I think it considers me it's new friend.

...I wonder if I could keep it as a pet? I'd have to be sneaky about it of course, but if it eats anything, like what I suspect, it won't be difficult to take care of it.

If anyone else sees it roaming around campus, tread lightly, I still don't know if it's dangerous or not.

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