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Adeline Herveaux
- 11/13/2016 12:28am


Wait, you can think? I didn't realise! I though you were attardé. Here is some advice for your disabled mind. "My hopes may be down but my syndrome keeps me up."

Au Revoir

Violet Stirling
- 11/13/2016 1:58am

It takes one to know one :)

Adeline Herveaux
- 11/13/2016 2:01am


Nom de Dieu! I am so jealous of every one that hasn't met you before.

You are a feeble-minded pitiful sideshow freak. I feel sorrowful for you paysan.

Au Revoir

Violet Stirling
- 11/13/2016 2:02am

And I feel sorry for your braincells. They must be so bored. And paysan to you too.


Violet Stirling
- 11/13/2016 2:03am

And I feel sorry for your braincells. They must be so bored. And paysan to you too.


Adeline Herveaux
- 11/13/2016 2:04am


At least I have brain cells. You seem to have 2 brain cells. One ran away and the other one is looking for it.

Mégots visages

Au Revoir

Violet Stirling
- 11/13/2016 2:06am

My, my. Your vision must be impaired. Seriously, find a good doctor to lodge that stick out of your ass, since you can't do it yourself.


Adeline Herveaux
- 11/13/2016 2:08am


I would give the same advice to you except that I realised that your pockets must be empty and you can't bear the expense of a doctor.

Manger du poison et mourir.

Au Revoir

Violet Stirling
- 11/13/2016 2:11am

I'm a semi-demon. Poison does not kill me. It's actually quite nice. Why don't you try it? I'm sure you'd benefit from it.


Adeline Herveaux
- 11/13/2016 2:13am


Oh that explains why you are so ugly! You are a demon! Hey I really wanted to kick you in the teeth but then I realised it will make you look better.

Si je donnai votre corde vous vous pendre?

Au Revoir

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