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Adeline Herveaux
- 11/11/2016 9:49pm

Violet. They loved each other more than they loved you. Who could love an idiotic salope like you chéri.

It isn't my fault that you are an unutterably babbling ignoramus.

Au Revoir

Violet Stirling
- 11/11/2016 9:51pm

Tell me about your family, then. I think I saw something about them in the newspapers. Something about...a divorce...?


Adeline Herveaux
- 11/11/2016 9:54pm


My family isn't the business for a paysan.

Chéri I have a suggestion for you. Scratch your face with a fork. At least then it is bearable to look at

Au Revoir

Violet Stirling
- 11/11/2016 9:55pm

Mon chéri, I know you can't stand the absolute gorgeous beauty of my visage. Je suis fabuleux. Don't forget it.

Adeline Herveaux
- 11/11/2016 9:58pm


That wasn't wise of you to use up all of your vocabulary in that reply.

I am sorry that you are a detestable urine reeking object of excretion.

Au Revoir

Violet Stirling
- 11/11/2016 10:01pm

Mon Chéri,
My vocabulary is easy to understand, unlike yours. You should consider un-lodging the stick shoved up your ass. It appears to be so far up your ass that even your brain is affected.
Also, your eyes are very bland, suggesting what I said before.


Adeline Herveaux
- 11/11/2016 10:05pm


Va te faire enculer

Chéri, for you, rape is a privilege. No one wants to touch you idiotic dégénéré
baise muet

Au Revoir

Violet Stirling
- 11/11/2016 10:07pm

And for you, Chéri, murder is a privilege, and escape from your sorry excuse for a life. I wonder what your past life was? A mundane ant?

<3 Violet

Adeline Herveaux
- 11/11/2016 10:10pm


You are a failed abortion whose birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory.
Calling you stupid would be an insult to stupid people

Vous êtes si laid que même votre mère ne peut pas vous regarder ... vous avez même une maman ou vous at-elle abandonner à la naissance

Au Revoir

Violet Stirling
- 11/11/2016 10:15pm

In the demon holes of Austria (where I come from), we have a saying. 'If you can't speak in your opponent's native tongue, pain is the only way they will understand you'. I can't speak 'Idiot', so I might have to resort to that.


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