Tech 073

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4/21/2015 6:52pm

Uh, roger that, @Tech 099. Expand your sweep to the control room and the maintenance tubes, just in case. I'll let the set techs know they've got a hole. Over. ccrrkkks.

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4/21/2015 6:37pm

Uh, come in @Tech 099. Do you copy? What is your status? Over. crkkxkz.

4/20/2015 9:01pm

Alrighty, @Tech 099. Illegal character entry appears to be one @Jacob Lipski, mid-year transfer student, no outstanding priors. I think we can make this a simple A-57. Proceed with the bag & tag, Tech 099. Over. crrkksksz.

4/20/2015 8:49pm

Uh, @Tech 099, I've got a bogie on screen who seems to be outside of the control zone. Repeat, outside the control zone. 099 can you confirm? Over. crrkkzzk.