Intramural Flying Club

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Randy Bernstein
- 3/24/2015 9:25am

Hey @Kitty_Killa and @Hazel Silver, I'm in Mr. Lu's flying class, and it's super chill. On Wednesdays we meet in the apple orchard and he's teaching us short hops. So far it's more like taking really big jumps than actually flying. And you get to be outside. Bring a lunch!

Randy Bernstein
- 3/27/2015 12:11am

Intramural Flying Club

Hi. Randy Bernstein. Psyhigh student and amateur flying enthusiast.

A great way to get to know campus - and other students - is at our weekly flying club, each Saturday in the apple orchard. We meet at 11am and take short flights around campus. Levitation II certification is required.

Bring a lunch and dress for the weather. Scarves and goggles suggested.

This week we'd like to welcome @Midori Thirteen Desu, @Amelie Jones, @Kitty_Killa, @Hazel Silver, their friends, more, and you!

See you on Saturday,

Randy B.
Levitation Level IX Raptor Scout

In association with the APSA. And thanks to @i am the champ.

- 6/11/2015 1:09pm

@Randy Bernstein, does the Intramural Flying Club still meet in the summer? Also, does one have to be visible to join?

Randy Bernstein
- 6/12/2015 11:00am

Regrettably @Nobody, the Intramural Flying Club is not scheduling formal meetups at this time. We had scheduling conflicts with the Remote Viewing Falconry Club and things got rather heated. When we both attempted to occupy the airspace over the apple orchard it resulted in many of our members being severely pecked and clawed. When we tried moving our meeting to Sundays, we found the Remote Viewing Falconry Club was claiming that time too, and any other time and any other space on campus!

We have appealed to the Dean's council, and I know @i am the champ is advocating for us. In the meantime, we are only flying unscheduled raids on Remote Viewing Falconry Club facilities like perches and mews. Levitation level VII is required, and we will contact members quietly in order to maintain secrecy.

As for invisibility, it is potentially a hazard when we're in the air. Generally, we ask invisible members to wear reflector suits at all times when flying on campus. When we want to be seen, that is.

Randy B.
Levitation Level IX Raptor Scout

Randy Bernstein
- 7/24/2015 11:58am

Intramural Flying Club is flying again!

We've negotiated a settlement with the Remote Viewing Falconry Club, and Intramural Flying Club is up and running once more.

Let's all meet up at the apple orchard at 11am tomorrow (Saturday) and take a quick flight around campus - just to get our bearings and blow out the cobwebs. Levitation II certification is required.

Thanks to @i am the champ and the Dean for helping get back in the air.

Randy B.
Levitation Level IX Raptor Scout

Randy Bernstein
- 7/25/2015 11:29pm

Intramural Flying Club is safe and sound!

We had a really great turn out today, and it was so wonderful to be up there in the great wild blue again. The endless horizon... the freedom! That's partially why we got mesmerized by those geese and took a wrong turn and caught an unexpected boost from a ley line and ended up in Manitoba.

We're at the Super 8 in Morden for the night. Thanks to @i am the champ for letting us use the APSA credit card to get everybody rooms, and dinner at the King Ho Chinese restaurant - which really hit the spot after a long day of flying. And we'll likely stop by the Tim Hortons in the morning before we take off.

I'm happy to report that all members of our party came dressed appropriately. People think our leathers are just affectation, but you can see how they can save your life when you're at high altitude cruising speed for an extended length of time. They don't call it the "wild" blue for nothing!

Hopefully we'll be able to do that ley line trick on the way back - or this is going to be a long trip.

Randy B.
Levitation Level IX Raptor Scout

Randy Bernstein
- 8/7/2015 11:56am

Intramural Flying Club Special Guest Event

Hi everybody. We're thrilled to announce we'll have a very special guest at tomorrow's Intramural Flying Club: seven-time world champion free flyer and winner of both the Bendix Trophy and the Thompson Cup - Howard "Howie" Mulligan.

I've been a big fan of Howie all my life - I've still got his poster up on the wall of my dorm - so it's going to be a huge honor to have him here with us.

We're meeting at the usual time and place - 11am in the apple orchard. Bring a lunch, wear appropriate clothing, and we'll all enjoy a bit of an in-air seminar from one of the greats.

Hope to see you there!

Randy B.
Levitation Level IX Raptor Scout

Randy Bernstein
- 8/8/2015 5:47pm

I'd like to apologize to all the members of the Intramural Flying Club -- and to all the students of Psyhigh -- for the actions of Howard "Howie" Mulligan this afternoon.

This is especially difficult as Mr. Mulligan has been a lifelong idol of mine. Certainly, he is quite old, and may in fact be suffering from some kind of dementia, but the way that he interacted with the female members of the club was entirely inappropriate. As was relieving himself while flying over the school. I have personally apologized to the students impacted, and have cleaned up all that I could find.

Mr. Mulligan's historical significance should not be overshadowed by his behavior today. Setting the transatlantic records that he did during the 60's and his amazing high speed maneuverability techniques transformed the world of free flying in the 20th century. Let's not let his thoroughly inexcusable actions at Psyhigh sully his amazing legacy.

Randy B.
Levitation Level IX Raptor Scout

Randy Bernstein
- 10/10/2015 10:46am

Just a quick reminder that the Intramural Flying Club will be meeting in the Apple Orchard in just a short while. Because of recent questions concerning the safety protocols we have in place, an observer from the National Levitation Safety Board will be in attendance and taking notes.

But don't let that bother you! Come on down to the Apple Orchard and dress appropriately - looks like we're getting into scarf weather! Cookies and cider will be provided.

Randy B.
Levitation Level IX Raptor Scout

Harry Berger
- 10/10/2015 2:03pm


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