slug master

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Much Appreciated
6/21/2015 1:37pm

Being at this school has been quite the experience so far. Everybody seems so much more advanced than me all I can do is communicate with bugs and they never have anything good to say. Of course some of them are lovely (my slugs are all very nice, especially Isaac) but it's not's anything to brag about. I have been... 'working on' the whole time travel thing but the whole manipulation of time etc seems rather hard and maybe a little too much for me to handle. Manipulation of ice seems like a rather neat thing to be able to do as well, think about all the meats and various frozen goods you could keep!
It is only my first day but I have met, or rather seen (from a distance) a lot of interesting people! One kid who struck me as particularly interesting was, well, I don't know their name but they seemed to be a projection of themselves, not quite their physical form... I shall have to talk to them later, introduce myself. It'd be nice to make some 'friends' around here.

Much Appreciated
6/21/2015 4:09pm

@that kid I will try my best to get those bugs to stop bothering you but they don't seem particularly, ah how do i say it ? Buggish ? They have some of the same attributes as most bugs but something about them seems a bit off. I wonder how long they've been down there...

Much Appreciated
6/21/2015 4:31pm

@that kid I have had a little chat with those gosh forsaken insects who were bugging you so much (ha, do you see the pun I made there ? Comedy gold I tell you) and I finally persuaded them to take refuge in my room (which I'm not particularly pleased about...) They were rather comfortable living with you/in you but I said I'd let them use my television set, the signal (satellite signal ?) is rather good in my room so they obliged. They have watched 'Norbit' at least twice and seem to have a passion for Adam Sandler movies. Although I am happy to help you @that kid I do regret letting these bugs stay here (I do not want you to think that this is a burden, I am fine with it, just a little peeved) Oh! Has @*Atlantica* found any sugar yet ? I do hope you find some sugar !

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6/21/2015 5:00pm

I think these bugs are up to something... I've been out and when I came back to the bugs they all started talking in a hushed whisper whilst glancing at me, I pretended not to notice.
@Nobody These, uh, 'EBIBs' you mentioned do you think you could maybe... elaborate a little ? I'm not sure exactly what these creatures I've let into my room are but I'd like to find out... Any information would be appreciated right now

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6/22/2015 10:25am

So many people have disappeared. Where have they gone? What is the prophecy? I feel like I have enrolled at this school at a strange time... Everyone... disappearing... The bugs. The EBIBs. I don't know why I ever let them into my room! I knew something was wrong with them!
When @that kid told me about these bugs I thought they would be simple woodlice, centipedes, millipedes but they aren't. When he told me... How did he tell me? I- I don't remember what, HOW that happened... (though my memories has never been fantastic) @that kid is now... I don't know. @Walls How ... did that happen? I feel like everyone knows so much more than me. I don't know what's happening at this school. I feel- I feel, ah I don't even know how I feel!
Why is nothing effecting me? How do I feel so... transparent here. Everyone keeps disappearing or not being in the physical realm. Maybe I'm on a different plane to them...
Earlier today I saw a crying girl (@*Atlantica* I believe) and she walked by with a, uh black um, dog or something (How would I know what it is I haven't seen a dog before) and she didn't seem to acknowledge me at all. I understand that this prophecy is a big deal but come on!

I really need to get those EBIBs out of my room...

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6/22/2015 10:47am

I followed @*Atlantica* which her dog, she called it Boxie. I ended up here in the uh, eating place ? Um, cafeteria...maybe. She was talking to a hologram who was eating pasta?? How can a hologram eat pasta? But she seems very uhm, how do you say... determined I suppose? I don't really know what she was talking about when she talked to this hologram... Something about @Nobody that's a name I recognise but I think they hm, left. Disappeared.
I'm watching them but I don't think they see me standing here. I'm not hidden but uh, maybe I'm just being too quiet, it's not like I said hello to either of them.

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Eralonia's Prophecy
6/22/2015 1:45pm

Ah! AH! I know what to do! I need to bring this EBIB to everyone I can find her this is my time to shine *cracks knuckles* Bugs are my thing... I know these are desperate time but I can't help but grin that I am doing something useful. I need to get the big EBIB to them!! I can surely do this...
The EBIBs listened to me before. They'll listen to me now. They have to. I-I can't tell where it, no, she is...The Queen. I can sense all these goddamn insects and when I finally need to find one I can't! Useless! Useless!
NO. I know what to do. I know I can do this I can help. Those EBIBs in my room. They're always talking to each other about their EBIB lives and I'm sure I've heard them talk about their queen...I need their help. I need to ask them and... I'm here. I'm asking them where I can find their queen. And... they all scuttle out. They don't even reply (oh the nerve of them!) they scuttle, very quickly, away from me. I follow them of course.

I've followed them and I just, I hope it hasn't been too long. I hope everyone's okay, they were all so sad. I want to make things better. And now maybe I can because I'm here! I think (THINK) that I've found her, the queen. The EBIBs are surprisingly nonchalant and when I talk to them, politely using my best manners, they just seem to follow me. They follow through the walls though...It's a little unsettling not being able to see them but I can feel them there and I know they're following. Not blowing me over. I'm worried about them being in the wall though...I'm almost back!
@Scilph , @*Atlantica* and maybe (maybe?) the projection of @Walls are still there. The dog as well. Um, Boxie ? I'm here! Making my introductions! I've brought the uh, Queen EBIB with me!!

Eralonia's Prophecy
6/22/2015 2:24pm

...Have I done the right thing ? I'm not sure if what I did was the right thing. The-the generator, the EBIBs... I fell when it exploded. I saw the dog get hit by the black sludge stuff, I saw the black sludge stuff and the screeching, metallic noises overwhelmed me. I covered my head, knocking my hat to the floor. I was protected though. I'm protected by @Walls.

Why do I never know what's going on.

The Anti-EBIB Party
6/22/2015 3:20pm

Okay. People are safe. Somebody kissed somebody. Party! So, uh, yeah this is all rather overwhelming. I certainly didn't have adventures like that in my past life! Haha yeah this is enjoyable! I haven't had a good party in a long time! Everyone seems slightly exhausted (Apart from Atlantica, she seems energetic a lot of the time) I don't think I really played my part in all this. I can still partake in the celebrations. I can do things if I want to.

6/23/2015 10:07am

I think I may be deaf in one ear. After that party (which I didn't exactly partake in but I uh, I was there) and that um, explosion. Well I mean that was quite a lot of noise, my ears aren't used to it... I might just have some water in my ear or something though.
I uh, I've been recognised I suppose by multiple people which is nice. @Morris seems like a cool guy! I don't think I had many friends or um, anything before I came here so I do hope I can establish some friendships. Oh yes! My name is Daryl! Slug Master is not my real name hah, yes my name is Daryl. That's my name. I think I am remembering more things which is nice. Yes I've never had a very good memory, not even in any of my past lives which I uh, don't really remember much about heh... and uh, oh! I dropped my hat! Ah silly me, I forgot all about it. How could I, that's my favourite hat. It fell off when that explosion happened. I'll go and fetch it now before I forget, I wouldn't want to lose such a hat.

My hat has returned, back on the ol' chrome dome it goes. Nothing's been cleaned up since the ah, explosion and all. Are there cleaners around here?
And @Matching by Mattie I would definitely like a free love consultation hah! I've never been very good in the eh, romantic um, playing fields. I must admit, you remind me of myself from a past life, one of the early and rarely seen past lives.
(I think my hat got dented when it fell off last night...)

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