Seven M.

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5/29/2018 9:55pm

Hey! Look who's employed for the summer! I got a job picking up garbage along the road that leads up to campus. @Janitor Pete says I can stay in the econo-cabin by the lawn maintenance barn and eat in the summer-staff cafeteria. This is gonna be great!

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5/28/2018 9:19pm

With the end of the school year coming up, I'm looking for a way to stay on campus for the summer. Anybody got any ideas for summer work? Preferably including room and board? Anything in the entrepreneurial sector @BioEngine Corp.?

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5/26/2018 8:37pm

Today I see that all the doors in the world are now two feet wider than before. What an excellent idea! Why didn’t we do this before? And why am I the only one that’s noticed?

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