Crystal Rosethorn
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4/24/2017 9:22amSurprisingly I don't have much to report on. Just open campus week,and studying. I did get a letter from my mom,so I may or may not stay for the summer term...depends on my grades and what happens here...Oh well i guess there is ONE interesting thing. The Lunchroom is getting an upgrade. Better seats,more nutritious food for students complicated diets,better appliances,a new kitchen,new paint,so on and so fourth. We need people to volunteer ideas on how we can make the lunchroom a better place,and volunteers on helping restore it. Thank you so much,from the lunch helpers and lunch ladies! Meetings will take in The Fourth Wall Library,once a month and emergency meetings whenever needed. There isn't a set time,but we are discussing it. Good Day and Good Luck!
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4/22/2017 1:38pmI finally found out the student thats supposed to talk to me. Francie somethin...he seems nice. Ability to speak to ghosts like me. Hes really smart,and kinda has a dark sense of humor,which is okay. He mostly keeps quite though as I show him around,which is good? i dunnp,but he will be heading home soon.
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4/20/2017 10:33amMan,How i hate goodbyes. The dragon has left for home. But she said she would try to visit around next year,after Mating Season. The new student was amazed by her,as he came when I was saying my last good byes. I gave him a notebook,so he should be posting on here,soon enough. He had some basic psychic powers,at least as far as I'm concerned. He was very interested in me more than his studied,food also. He was quite shy,but inquisitive,which was nice. Anyways he will be returning from lunch soon,so I must be off. He may even come help finish up my dorm. Oh and students: Rebuilding dorms counts as Craftsmanship Credits for the end of the year. I happened to ask yesterday one of the lead builders there,in case anyone needs credits. Good day and good luck,and let us hope that this week ends fast!
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4/19/2017 10:21amIt's Open Campus week. I've been hiding out in a "den" of blankets in the library,until the student that's supposed to follow me comes to find me. I know who they are...I'm kinda excited,this being my first time. I remember Open Campus week. I was the odd one out from my group,but now I'm here,and happy to be here. Though there are the downsides. Gawking and cussing and thinking they rule the school. As Ms.Robin would say "Tut tut dear,remember: Popularity doesn't rule over authority." Anyways,I've been able to get out of hiding. The dragon's wing,I'm happy to report,is fully recovered. As pay back,it let me ride upon it for a full day...makes me miss the dragons back home. Ah,you shoulda seen the flying bikers(if this is the improper plural form of you riders,please let me know) as they stared at the giant beast. She really is just a gentle giant,named Fyra. In Dragonic,the name means fire blossom. How pretty. I must be off,for in about an hour or two,the student is to come,and I should prepare myself for questions they may ask. Good day and good luck,and let's hope Open Campus isn't that bad(even though we all know it usually is)
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4/19/2017 8:54amIt's Open Campus week. I've been hiding out in a "den" of blankets in the library,until the student that's supposed to follow me comes to find me. I know who they are...I'm kinda excited,this being my first time. I remember Open Campus week. I was the odd one out from my group,but now I'm here,and happy to be here. Though there are the downsides. Gawking and cussing and thinking they rule the school. As Ms.Robin would say "Tut tut dear,remember: Popularity doesn't rule over authority." Anyways,I've been able to get out of hiding. The dragon's wing,I'm happy to report,is fully recovered. As pay back,it let me ride upon it for a full day...makes me miss the dragons back home. Ah,you shoulda seen the flying bikers(if this is the improper plural form of you riders,please let me know) as they stared at the giant beast. She really is just a gentle giant,named Fyra. In Dragonic,the name means fire blossom. How pretty. I must be off,for in about an hour or two,the student is to come,and I should prepare myself for questions they may ask. Good day and good luck,and let's hope Open Campus isn't that bad(even though we all know it usually is)
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4/18/2017 9:35am@
Phoebe,thank goodness you escaped that faerie prison. Anyways,I've been crowded by a bunch of new students,with tons of questions. Even new ghosts! I would prefer if people post on here. Why? Because I have had to answer the Exact same question five times in a row. Yes,I am part fox and Yes i am strange looking,get used to it. Why am i "strange" looking? I have no idea.but i think it's normal. Stop asking. Anyways it's good to see so many new students coming and investing in their abilities. Sorry for being kinda rude,but please do ask on here. Oh! I almost forgot. My dorm is going to be finished by the end of this week...i do enjoy the library but i want the comforts of home back. I thank Mrs.Robin though,for letting me stay in her precious library. Well I'm off to tend to the dragon. It's wing is healing better than expected,which I am proud of. Oh and that Jester gentlemen...The DTATPS are trying to get him out of the school and back to his homelands as quick as possible. We fear he may harm more people and animals,and that worries us. Anyways Good Day and Good Luck,and I hope new students that you're studies go well!
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4/14/2017 6:45amAh Jester,No I'm not. I'm offense or anything but,aren't you being a BIT racist? I mean concentration and death camps...those all got destroyed by the government years ago. And I'm friends with a few Jewish people back home,they were SO nice. When I needed help they usually were the ones to help me. And their daughter,Isis,was my best friend growing up...then I came here and kinda lost contact with the jewish are generally nice. Oh and an update on the dragon: It's a female,and is in her teen years. She has an egg somewhere,and so me and the Dragon society are going to go search for it...our FIRST dragon egg find! Not even the Unihorns are Magikal society can say that(dumb name in my opinion) Anyways we are going to begin the hunt in about half an hour...anyone who wishes to join us may(except Jester,he's been deemed as an enemy in our society)! Good Day and Good Luck!
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4/13/2017 5:39pmThe protest went great! We got 5 new members,so that's a new record! And we were able to bandage the dragon's wing and get it to a clinic to be treated. I guess it's lucky i knew basic dragonic. Anyways it's..strange. Whenever I'm near Jester,my senses start going off and almost nervous. I usually can sense danger but this is...different i guess. Anyways I'm off to check on the dragon,then go watch the Flying Bikes! Good day and good luck!
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4/13/2017 11:58amI have alerted the Head Staff of Phys High about the dragon,and they are taking care of it. I've also told the DTATPS(Dragon tooth and tail protection society),and all of us were quite mad. I'm also quite mad at Jester. How rude! Put the dragon out of it's misery! All it has is a torn wing from crashing into a tree probably. Nothing that can't be dealt with. And fox hunting! At least *shudder* hitler stopped it. Anyways i must be off to go organize the protest on such people as Jester coming here and hurting animals. Good day and good luck!
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4/12/2017 7:11pmI have now moved in with Gardens. She may have to excuse me being part fox,and sometimes my fox-senses("My Spidey senses are tingling! XD) go off. Usually my tail and ears and nose kinda are...mute,but lately they've been sensing a lot of activity. Differences in air waves and tempature,sounds sound a lot sharper...all sorts of stuff. has been tiring,so i think i'm not going to study,but go to sleep instead. Good Night and Good Luck! Oh and in the forest there has been a dragon that was wounded by huntsman...if anyone feels like joining the DTATS protests tomorrow,feel free to! I can provide you with a t-shirt to. Anyways,I AM OFF! Bye!
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