The Official Spirit Team is making a formal complaint to the administration regarding the Intramural Spirit Team's abduction of our entry into the Spirit Building Challenge -- known as EUCLID.
In the spirit of good sportsmanship, we asked the Intramural Spirit Team to release EUCLID immediately but received an answer that was not in good sportsmanship. Namely, we received a video of EUCLID making rude gestures at the camera, obviously under some form of duress or outright spirit mind control. EUCLID is equipped not only with heat vision, but a bevy of other spiritual weaponry including automated repeating curse batteries, bad luck flechette launchers, and a mini-doomsday device, and it is terrifying to think about how it could be misused, accidentally or otherwise, by the Intramural Spirit Team
In any case, the continued incarceration of EUCLID by the Intramural Spirit Team is against the rules, is contrary to the spirit of the challenge, and very likely illegal under the rule of law both psychic and non-psychic, and we demand that EUCLID be returned immediately to official Spirit Team HQ in the old airship hangar.
In response to the carnage at the Rosy Acres Tri-Cities Industrial Warehouse complex, the (official) Spirit Team has decided to release our Spirit, codename EUCLID, to deal with the incursion.
This is why it was never a good idea for the school to allow for unsanctioned entrants in the Spirit Building Challenge. Building Spirit is a serious business, and with luck the Happy Eye Convenience Services company has adequate insurance and can get back to refilling snack machines across the Tri-Cities as soon as possible. Hopes & prayers!
While this will be EUCLID's first public release, we have no doubt that it will easily track the abomination set loose by the amateur Spirit builders on campus, and quickly melt it down with its heat vision. This will help us fine tune the Spirit before the actual upcoming awards ceremony.
The Spirit Team is making a lot of headway on EUCLID, just as @
Theo_917 mentioned. We're quite far ahead, and frankly I don't see how any of the non-sanctioned teams could beat us at this point. Currently we are looking for a Magic XPA resource with Transcend application experience, so if you know of one, send them over the the hangar!