The Weasel Creek Kids
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Timothy Acorn - 7/31/2024 10:53pmIn the highest levels of the canopy, the forest is blissful. You can find a sturdy place to sling your hammock that catches the cool air of the night, and while the lights of the city are still in view, you rarely hear noises beyond the rare siren or witchfinder gangs on their hotrods.
Why not give the giant tree shrews their own hammocks? They've got five claws but no thumbs. Could they weave their own? Would it be within the Forest Prime Directive to teach them how? Would the pups be safe and not fall out?
So many thoughts. But it is a great place to sleep.
Samantha Spruce - 7/27/2024 10:00pm"Welcome to the Crystal Caverns gift shop. Please check your backpacks or shopping bags from other gift shops at the door. Thank you."
Crystal Cave had gotten a lot more developed since the last time I was here.
"Crystal CAVERNS" says the person at the cash register.
Even the name had gotten an upgrade.
I poked around in the gift shop but was uninspired. There was Amethyst and Aquamarine and Rose Quartz and Jasper, and fudge and salt water taffy and ashtrays and coffee mugs and shirts with bigfoot, but nothing of the crystals that were native and exclusive to Crystal Cave.
"Do you know Peg?" I asked the person at the cash register.
She looked at me blankly.
"Uh, Margret mabye? Marge Matite?"
"Oh!" she said, lighting up. "Ms. Matite is off today. Would you like to make an appointment?"
Last I knew, Peg lived in a treefort near the mouth of the cave. Sometimes she'd sleep inside the cave. What had happened to this place?
"Can I call her?" I asked.
"I can take your number, and give her a message," she said.
I gave her my number, bought a ticket for a caverns tour, and wandered out.
Agatha Anatidae - 7/22/2024 8:14pmWe've had trouble filling all the seats at weekly Litigation Party Night. I know it's summer, but remember: our best defense at protecting our woods--and many others!--is through the courts. The AI we've made still needs human oversight in order to reach OPTIMUS PRIME stage. And don't forget Double Access Overtime Achievement Points (DAOAP)!
With the great weather we've been having I know we all would rather spend more time in the woods, but working at a ley-lined Control Station made of fallen logs and snags, while spiritually admirable, is proven to be less effective than direct action in the legal system.
Timothy Acorn - 7/19/2024 11:32pmAnd then more pups showed up. And more.
Griselda said something about babysitting, and then about a preschool, and vacation bible camp. Her story kept changing. And when the parents would come for pickup they ended up staying.
The giant tree shrews form a kind of hypnogogic hive-mind while they're sleeping, and I found it extremely distracting. And hot, nuzzled in between the ocean of sleeping tree shrews that filled my treehouse, gently snoring.
I left my little structure and headed up into the canopy with a hammock slung over my shoulder.
Samantha Spruce - 7/16/2024 10:58pmThe way to Peg's place is hard to find. I've been there before, but those forest logging roads look different every time. So when I found a little promontory I didn't recognize, it didn't seem out of the ordinary.
It was a cute little spot with shards of shale shoving themselves straight out of the ground, making a kind of altar. And a big smooth boulder with a curious white crystal oozing out of it like a mole or a big pimple.
Upon closer examination, the crystal was more like lumpy soft marble. And it had its own little mini meadow of clover or growing right in front of it.
Touch it!
Usually I'm real open and curious to stuff, but... yeah. This seemed like somebody else's story and I had an overwhelming desire to leave it alone AND GET THE HECK OUT OF THERE.
Oh look, a little place where people had campfires and... I don't know what.
Yeah I hightailed it out of there. I was still pretty lost, but it seemed like the right dirt road toward Peg's.
Agatha Anatidae - 7/13/2024 5:01pmHey everybody,
Great news! All treeforts have passed Midsommar Maintenance inspection!
Well, everybody but Lonesome Dave, but as a grandfathered honorary Weasel Creek Kid, he has his exemptions. The Outreach Group will continue to offer Dave assistance should he decide to utilize it.
We've also collected our Midsommar Warming Data -- measuring temperature and atmospheric conditions, flora and fauna data points and materials stress -- and have started the process of our next round of projections. We will utilize these as we continue to adapt to the changes in the forest, and for the potential good of all of our forest friends.
From an action perspective, the batteries are just about full, so don't hold back on your internet and data processing needs. In fact, it's a great time for everybody to put in for Double Access Overtime Achievement Points (DAOAP) filing objections and associated para-legal work on our immediate local threats as well as at the international level. To kick it off, we've got a new batch of Lara's fresh elderberry lemonade we'll be breaking out at our Litigation Filing Party tonight, after the temperature starts to drop. Don't miss it!
Timothy Acorn - 7/8/2024 11:52pm"Hey thanks for letting my nieces and nephews crash here," Griselda said.
Her nieces and nephews weren't quite as big as Griselda, but they added up. Each one was about as big as a German Shepard. There seemed to be about a dozen.
"It's just so much cooler in your place than cooped up in a hole in a tree. This heat! Amirite?"
My treehouse was higher than most, almost right to the canopy. It had good air.
"Don't mind us," Griselda said. "You just make yourself right at home."
Samantha Spruce - 7/4/2024 4:01pmMy treehouse is in pretty good shape, considering its age. Thick polished planks, tight seal around the spiral roof, and of course my beautiful gothic windows to the south. The Timberjacks built things to last, but I've learned a lot about basic treehouse maintenance along the way and things are in ship shape.
But since home improvement is in the air I'm thinking about maybe a nice crystal. Time to visit my friend Peg Matite up at Crystal Cave!
Agatha Anatidae - 6/30/2024 4:21pmMIDSOMMAR MAINTENANCE PARTY!
Calling all Weasel Creek Kids:
As you know, summer takes its toll on the treeforts. Planks and paneling go soft, roofs get heavy with moss and vines, and the ropes and pulleys are prone to rot and rust.
So it's that time of year everybody! Kickoff is tomorrow at 9am sharp. Brunch catering by The Three Elves Bakery and I know you don't want to miss that.
Timothy Acorn - 6/29/2024 11:15pmThe Weasel Creek Kids share the woods with all the creatures of the forest. We all coexist under the canopy together. Those are our most basic tenets. But in the heat of the summer, when the life of the forest is in full swing, things can start feeling a little cramped.
"Hi Timothy! You don't mind if I crash here for a bit, right?"
It's Griselda, the Giant Tree Shrew.
"Sure Griselda. Make yourself at home."
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