"I get to talk about stuff?!" - neat

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- 1/16/2023 9:12pm

I heard about this website, and wanted to know more. I've never been to psychic high, if comments are allowed on this journal post, then i'd greatly appreciate it if someone could enlighten me.

- 1/16/2023 9:21pm

Cannoo is not my real name btw, I'm just trying to keep things a bit anonymous. So getting to the meat and potatoes if you will, I've always found the way I think to be interesting. Perhaps even unique, but that seems almost narcacistic in a way to say that my mind is better then everyone elses. How would I even know that in the first place, it's not like I can read minds! So, I find this random website and I'm not sure what to believe. I belive in witchcraft, so is it to far of a stretch to belive in psychic powers also? I belive in aliens. 4th and even higher dimensional beings. I belive in alternate realities. Maybe this community of people will help me find a way to express my ideas in a more meaningful way. I'm not sure, but maybe someone will stumble upon this and help me take a step in a different direction.

Jira, Clairvoyant
- 8/20/2023 10:42am

Psyhigh is just a chill roleplay site.

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