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8/29/2015 3:42pm

I hate the term fear is a four letter word. It makes it seem like something to be brushed off, something unimportant, when in reality, fear is what keeps us alive. Without fear, we would almost inevitably die so quickly that there would be no human reproduction, and in effect, no future. Fear should not be embraced, but at the same time, it shouldn't be considered to be something bad. It's okay for people to be afraid of the dark, that's instinct, so why do we have a tendency to mock those who confess to avoiding shadows? Fear is not something to fear, and as ridiculous as that sounds, it's what we've started to do. We don't like the concept of fears, so we hide them. We dread that someone should find these secret thoughts. Fear becomes the enemy. Fear, which is among the most normal and instinctual of things, has become an enemy. Why? Why are we so against fear? Why is it after a certain age, fears become irrational? Why is it for one gender, fear is considered a weakness, even a problem? Why can't we accept that some people are scared? Why do we choose to shun the ones who are brave enough to confess to their fears, because they had them in the first place? There is no one on this planet without a single fear, so why do we treat fear as something that should not be shown?

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8/27/2015 7:27am

Infinity is such a biased term, why do we continue to use it. We have so many things that are indeed neverending but we can't truly say that infinity is anywhere near being a constant value, so why do we treat it as such? There are some infinities larger than other, which we do know, and yet we still say they're all almost exactly the same. Why don't we teach in school that infinities can have different values? It's not that confusing of a concept. There are an infinite number of numbers between 0-1. But there's an even higher infinity of numbers between 0-2. Not that complicated, yet rarely taught until college.

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