Star Queens

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- 5/24/2016 10:59pm

Extraterrestrial Student Alliance

I'm starting a new club and it's for all students who are Extraterrestrial, descended from Extraterrestrials, or have relatives who are Extraterrestrial. All members of the Extraterrestrial community are encouraged to join!

The Extraterrestrial Student Alliance seeks to be supportive and inclusive of all students, but the Alliance is intended as a support and enhancement group specifically for students of Extraterrestrial origin. We face special challenges engaging with terrestrial culture, and it's hard for some of us to openly acknowledge our Extraterrestrial roots.

We are supportive of our fellow students who are mythic in origin, or the result of the application of terrestrial science and technology, and all of the other hybrid student cultures that make up the beautiful and intricate fabric of our student body.

Our first meeting is tomorrow night in the Cooper Room in the student center. See you there!

Aidan Finn
- 5/28/2016 4:51pm

Aye, the Extraterrestrial Student Alliance is a good thing. But there's so many different kinds of us dontchya know. We of the Merfolk know our extraplanetary roots, and 'ave got the primeval Crown of the Stars to prove it. But what to make of these distant relatives, deeply bred in with the human folk? Or the ones from older and different stars entirely?

We saw the ones you'd expect -- @Arn, of course, he's good sort, and @Afloovia and her sisters, and @Ari, but there were a few surprises too, like the radioactive girl named Alan, and Alice Wolf, and Adaline. I supoose it's good for us all to have an "alliance" and all, but I think we're all pretty set in our ways too, dontchya know.

- 5/30/2016 7:20pm

Sometimes people can make you feel like crap, just by being themselves. It's not what they do, it's what you are, know what I mean?

It's not like I idolize the Star Queens. They're shallow, and callous, and their perfume cloud gives me a headache. But hanging out with them, in their fourth-dimensional bubble, and seeing all the incredible and beautiful things they see, it's impossible to compete with. When the "conversation" turns my way - which it inevitably does - it's pretty embarrassing.

I haven't seen the petrified space mollusks floating in the ice caverns of Cleleum 9. I haven't watched the migratory clans of Miphizarrre feeding on the magnetopause as they pass through a solar system.

What I've seen is a star-filled sky over a trailer park in Nevada. I've seen a broken down pickup truck run over a gas pump because the driver was drunk, and a fireball light up the night. What I've seen is a stack of lottery tickets that didn't pay off.

I don't care if my clothes aren't as expensive as theirs, or my hair or make up. But when it's your actual life experience that's crappy, and obviously made of crappier stuff... how else are you supposed to feel?

- 6/3/2016 11:33pm

Extraterrestrial Student Alliance

I have some troubling news. I'm sure you've all read the rumors on the ansible feeds about the bullet. I've just received credible confirmation that it's true.

A one megametre planet-killing halberd class mega-weapon, made of nanostructured Antagonite, is moving at near-light speeds on an intercept course with Earth. 37 days ETA. It's a 600 mile long diamond bullet shaped like a knife on an irreversible course, and it's got Earth's name on it.

No extraterrestrial governing entity - trad-political, anarcho-swarm based, sublimated, or independent/rogue - has claimed responsibility for its creation. Obviously, there are hundreds of known civilization/entities capable of creating such a monstrosity, but admitting such an abomination and acting independently - no matter how sound the reasoning - would invite the ultimate punishment: Uber Isolation. Such an actor would cease to exist on the universal stage.

But an admission of guilt wouldn't change the facts. Planet Earth is doomed.

Luckily, with the school year ending, we'll all be able to receive full credit before transferring to off-world schools (where frankly I know many of us will feel more comfortable anyway). Some of the terrestrial students might even find places as refugees (though it's true 37 days isn't really near enough time to complete all the essential paperwork).

News of the bullet hasn't yet reached Earth-media, and really it's better if we don't create a fuss. So please keep this knowledge to ourselves, and enjoy the rest of the school year. I'll post information on the arrival of the great Space Arks as it becomes available.

Artie 9000
- 6/6/2016 6:50pm

As a resident alien attending Psyhigh, I'm flurmungled at the lack of hyrectisin concerning the imminent destruction of the Earth shown by the Extrterestial Student Alliance. Even if there are billions of other inhabited worlds, don't we believe in the inherent geredestrung of every single one of them? If we can't help avoid this kereptsnog, at least we could show a bit more cricrinelia?

- 6/9/2016 10:34pm

The blazing, burning existence of all matter through time. That's what Aggil Baas calls it. Aijo Freya and Ain call it the Holographic Fourth Dimension, and Agloniboiz doesn't call it anything at all.

But until you've seen a Halberd class mega-weapon moving through the void at close to the speed of light, you really can't know what it means.

From my sisters and I's perspective, it isn't headed right toward us. We're riding point, like Earth geese in flight, or our (space) cousins the dolphins riding in the wake of a ship, following it. Where it goes, we go.

And where it's going is here. Isn't it the most exciting thing ever?

We've already booked first class on the Space Ark. A suite for five, naturally. We even have our own dock, so we won't have to wait in line with the lower berths. This unexpected vacation adventure is a dream! We thought we'd be stuck on this rock forEVER.

NHK Announcer Voice
- 6/11/2016 9:11pm


NASAと ESA の職員は、まだJAXAの調査結果に応答しなかったが、JAXAは、その調査結果の敬意を確信している、これらの宇宙機関の努力と知恵を通じて、彼らはJAXAが発見された情報を裏付けると確信しています。


- 6/15/2016 12:18am

I stopped trying to hang out with the Star Queens. I'm sure they were devastated. Like I care. Because I hung out around them long enough for some things to rub off. Just like with my dad and his alien poker buddies. Because now I SEE. Which would be really cool if it wasn't completely terrifying.

The mega-weapon. I can see it. Just like I'm there, flying off its right side. Sometimes I swoop around it to get a better look. It's hard to get a sense of scale when you're looking at one big thing floating by itself in space, but when you get close, and start to see detail, you realize just how big it must be. And then you're see you're wrong and you realize bigger.

It is kind of pretty. I'll give the Star Queens that. It's long, and graceful, and swoopy in places. Actually it's shaped like some bad ass knife you'd see for sale at a truck stop. Like something some vape ninja would buy. A shark silhouette. Thin, with a pointed tip, curved head. Then it gets slender again before the tail. And teeth, and a fin. Sharp. Made of some kind of crystal that glows pink from inside.

Yeah, you could make a fortune selling them at roadside casinos. Except this one is 600 miles long. And we're in its way.

When I come out of the trance, or vision, or whatever, I look out over the grassy hills by school. Puffy clouds. Not too hot. It's a beautiful day.

- 6/17/2016 3:17pm

Extraterrestrial Student Alliance: Evacuation Special!

As you know, the magnificent Space Arks will be arriving soon to safely transport all registered extraterrestrial students off planet, prior to the impact of the mega-weapon. Exclusive first-class reservations opened last week and are filling up fast. Tourist, Coach, and the Suspended Animation berths will open for booking starting next week.

But the Extraterrestrial Student Alliance has found an extra-special deal, and it's only available to Extraterrestrial Student Alliance members!

Imagine: Your own, comfortable, private box seats--complete with your own refrigerator and private commode--on the Earth-facing side of Space Ark B, which you and a small group of friends are sitting in DURING THE MEGA-WEAPON IMPACT EVENT!

That's right--it's a once in a millennium chance to see a Halberd-class mega-weapon in action as it pierces through the heart of a planet at almost the speed of light, all from the safety of your very own hard-radiation, UV, and debris shielded front-row seat.

Truly, this is something you'll want tell your grandchildren, clones, or Hive Elders about for eons to come - how YOU WERE THERE and saw it first-hand, up-close, and in the comfort and luxury that only a private box on Space Ark B could provide.

These special seats won't last long, so please contact me immediately if you're interested in these Seats of a Lifetime!

Artie 9000
- 6/21/2016 2:39pm

I am getting kurzier and kurzier with the slompnatch attitude of the Extraterrestrial Student Alliance concerning the upcoming destruction of planet Earth. Didn't being an exchange student on Earth teach you anything about carompiness? Or being more howizineb to other life forms?

It's that same attitude that skrkztxs the entire Galactic Confab. Whether you're a Grand Nanal or in the Ooouuieiiua Party, nobody is really looking out for the inalienable rights of the kitchiboo - the "little guys" who are in the Galactic Confab whether they know it or not.

I'll be out there protesting when the Space Arks arrive - I'll be the purple starfish-shaped hermaphrodite with the sign that says "XTRICHII NOW!" I encourage everyone to join me.

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