New Psyhigh Student of the Week

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Emma Weildsburry
- 4/12/2016 2:49pm

i have no idea wat im doing
just got back from school lol
doge is in my dreams
wat do
no srsly help
i am srs
k just on my own then
watching the philluminati
on youtube
by myself
all alone
nobody else
te sadness
te musch sadness

I am the Champ
- 4/12/2016 10:29pm

The APSA is pleased to announce that @Emma Weildsburry is this week's New Student of the Week! Yay!

For the next week, Emma will get to choose to sit in either the Underwater Horse Chair or the Space Cat Chair in the cafeteria at lunch time.

Choose wisely Emma!


The Champ
President of the Active Psychic Student Alliance (APSA)

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