Much Appreciated

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slug master
- 6/21/2015 1:37pm

Being at this school has been quite the experience so far. Everybody seems so much more advanced than me all I can do is communicate with bugs and they never have anything good to say. Of course some of them are lovely (my slugs are all very nice, especially Isaac) but it's not's anything to brag about. I have been... 'working on' the whole time travel thing but the whole manipulation of time etc seems rather hard and maybe a little too much for me to handle. Manipulation of ice seems like a rather neat thing to be able to do as well, think about all the meats and various frozen goods you could keep!
It is only my first day but I have met, or rather seen (from a distance) a lot of interesting people! One kid who struck me as particularly interesting was, well, I don't know their name but they seemed to be a projection of themselves, not quite their physical form... I shall have to talk to them later, introduce myself. It'd be nice to make some 'friends' around here.

that kid
- 6/21/2015 2:22pm

That thing you do with the bugs? @slug master? It would be real nice if you could call the creatures that have been tugging on my sanity OUT of the foundations under the school. Not only would I be eternally grateful but you're doing the school a favour by getting rid of pests, they might reward you with some nice falsified memories of academic achievements, which you can put on job applications and the like. People always like those kind of memories in employees. Much easier than earning them yourself! Thank you kindly

-The Presence in the Walls

(what do you think of the title? might as well make the most of it)

slug master
- 6/21/2015 4:09pm

@that kid I will try my best to get those bugs to stop bothering you but they don't seem particularly, ah how do i say it ? Buggish ? They have some of the same attributes as most bugs but something about them seems a bit off. I wonder how long they've been down there...

slug master
- 6/21/2015 4:31pm

@that kid I have had a little chat with those gosh forsaken insects who were bugging you so much (ha, do you see the pun I made there ? Comedy gold I tell you) and I finally persuaded them to take refuge in my room (which I'm not particularly pleased about...) They were rather comfortable living with you/in you but I said I'd let them use my television set, the signal (satellite signal ?) is rather good in my room so they obliged. They have watched 'Norbit' at least twice and seem to have a passion for Adam Sandler movies. Although I am happy to help you @that kid I do regret letting these bugs stay here (I do not want you to think that this is a burden, I am fine with it, just a little peeved) Oh! Has @*Atlantica* found any sugar yet ? I do hope you find some sugar !

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