Magic Staff

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Hemo the Magnificent
- 12/30/2015 1:18am

It is true, deer @Silverfawn, that Man first knew me in the caves, with his rocks and clubs and superstitious fears. And it is then that I first met Man's dark cousin, the one who lives for only the iron taste of me upon their lips. The Vampire!

Who is this creature with an insatiable desire for blood? It is @Pearline, the one who continually craves more and more drops of my very substance! She is soulless, and immortal, and at every turn what does she desire? More blood! Mere droplets, but drip by drip, I know she seeks to drink the very essence of the student body of this school!

Take heed, students! And cover yourselves with garlic and all the ancient wards, and do not lend your precious quintessence to this undead creature!

What is it this tinyman, this @Young Jim Horner, needs? It is obviously merely his Magic Staff! His root! His stick! His hard and cured wood! And @Nobody has it. Indeed, this tiny person's reconstitution can be quite obviously cured by restoring his connection to the limbs of this earth, not by the piercing and pricking of flesh for the sadistic, twisted delight of this dark vampiric self-made scientist.

Stand up, oh students, against this hijacking of your gore and plasma, and restore @Young Jim Horner through his connection to his earth source! His Magic Staff must be returned!

- 12/30/2015 8:55am

@Hemo the Magnificent, I am thoroughly offended. You seem to have generalized the minority, here. NOT ALL SOULLESS PEOPLE ARE VAMPIRES, and the only reason I want ONE SINGLE DROP OF BLOOD FROM ONE PERSON is to help a friend. I am not asking to drink the blood of the whole school, because that would be disgusting. I am surprised that you, of all people, have failed to recognize the significance of blood in psychic experimentation. So for one last time, if you wish to help out @Young Jim Horner, you know I am fully qualified to handle your blood, and I will surely not attempt to drink it or anything. Hemo just got the wrong idea from a first impression.

- 12/30/2015 9:20am

And don't you dare try the vampire stuff on me, it doesn't work. I love garlic on food, but not when everyone wears it as perfume. The blood is to double his mass, the star is the energy that binds his soul with the blood, so he can really grow.

- 12/30/2015 10:02am

Dear Somebody,
I was walking down the halls invisibly this morning when I was stopped by @Hemo the Magnificent. I was rather surprised he could see me, but then again, he is the power that flows through all our veins (except for maybe @Silverfawn's), and I suppose he must know each and everyone of us as well as himself. Of course, it probably helped that I was standing in front of a mirror. (Because of the Arcane Energy I've been emitting my reflection has started showing even when I'm invisible.) But still.

Anyway, he explained that my new pet snake is not really a snake at all and that it needs to be returned to @Young Jim Horner immediately. This explains a lot actually; like why, after eating my Psychic Ability Enhancing sprinkles, the "snake" started to glow and turned into a golden broom. It's still glowing actually. I hope this isn't a problem.

I'll head over to @Pearline's with the staff in a little bit, as soon as I can convince Claude to wake up and show me the way to K.... To um... Kr... Ke... Uh... To wherever she lives. I really don't want to get lost. Again.

Oh! And Pearline, I won't attempt to stab you with a stake or wear any garlic, don't worry. I'm sure if you say you aren't a vampire, than you aren't one. Probably. I will be wearing my Evil Eye jewelry though. No offense or anything, and I completely trust you, but it's always a good idea to be cautious. And eat Tomato and Garlic Sprinkles from Sprinkle Co. which may or may not give me immunity to vampires.

Farewell for now,

- 12/30/2015 11:27am

Well, finally someone donated their blood. Thank the gods @Hemo the Magnificent didn't put up anti-vampiric bulletins all over the school... That would be embarrassing. But now @Young Jim Horner is back to normal, and @Nobody is coming to Krezner 4-22 (in case you forgot) to deliver his snake, er, magic staff.
In other news, I found a giant sleeping in the woods by the library emitting large amounts of arcane energy. Judging from the boring grey mass that was his soul, he was a Normal. I think whatever arcane energy he ran into knocked him out. Poor soul.
I hope I'm not a vampire. I find the whole teen vampire cliché a little overused as a whole, and I don't think my teeth are oversized or pointy? I also hate it when I have to drink blood for the family rituals when my aunt comes over. (I think she's a hemamygdal, so that would make sense...) I just don't get why Mr. Magnificent is out to get me. I surely don't look like a vampire. I have super tan skin and dark blonde hair, practically the opposite.
Anyhow, I am glad James is okay.

- 12/30/2015 4:37pm

It appears that I might take a while to get there, @Pearline. Claude decided to take a shortcut on the way to Kre... Kre... Cre? Cretin 6-44? 5-42? Ketna? Кемерово 7-77?? He decided to take a shortcut to our destination. Unfortunately, his shortcut was blocked by a frameless window, and when we attempted to turn around, we accidentally triggered a trap door which sucked us into an abandoned Between World Amusement Park. We've been wandering for hours, and still haven't found any sprinkles. Or a portal back to Psyhigh. Assuming we've left Psyhigh. I'm only 46.8% sure how the Between World works.

Anyway, it might be a while before I get there, @Young Jim Horner, and Pearline.

Young Jim Horner
- 12/30/2015 11:03pm

Oh i'M nORMal nOw. iF yOu CAll 3 fEEt tALL ANd cOveRED iN BlOOd NOrMAL!!! oooEEY STICky bLOOD! iT wON't coME OfF mEEEEE!!! HElP @Nobody hELP!!!

- 12/31/2015 9:00am

The abandoned Between World Amusement Park seemed quaint at first, with its towering broken roller coasters, deserted Telekinetic Dart Booths, and various rides in various states of disrepair, but after spending the night in it, I have come to the conclusion that it's actuallly really creepy. And it's not as empty as it seemed at first; every once in a while I'll hear a skittering noise, and out of the corner of my eye, I'll see Something dart into the shadows. I did, however, find a few cans of cheap carnival sprinkles in what was probably once an ice cream parlor, so it's not completely terrible.

I am currently hiding, er, sitting in a giant chipped tea cup with @Young Jim Horner's snake/broom/staff, waiting for Claude to return. He left a while ago to scout out the place and see if he could find an exit. I think. I hope he hurries back; I'm running low on sprinkles, and the Creatures in the Shadows are starting to grow bolder. I caught a glimpse of a broad reptilian-like tail covered in coarse yellow fur and red spikes before It vanished behind a worn poster of Bunny the Wereclown.

I think I see Claude in the distance; hopefully he found a way out, and we'll be able to come help you, Young Jim and @Pearline.

Farewell for now,

- 12/31/2015 7:29pm

UUNGH. I'm so tired from continually scrubbing @Young Jim Horner for four hours. Now his skin is clean- well, mostly clean. It's a little pink, still. Thom helped, but he didn't do much good, as he licked the blood off instead, which is just... ew. While I went shopping for new clothes I ran a bath. I figured if I took as long as I usually do to shop, his skin should be normal when I return. Poor guy, his clothes are so tiny. He is still pretty small, too, so I had to buy toddler clothes. There are some dapper kids' clothes out there! I just hope the ones I picked fit his style.
"Uh, P, can I have my clothes now?"
Oh, right! I have to hand James his clothes! I hope he got the rest of the blood out... (As long as it hasn't stained the bathtub, too!)

- 1/1/2016 12:15am

*A Brief Summary of Events*

When I last posted, I was cowering, er, waiting, in a giant chipped teacup that's part of one of the deserted rides in the Abandoned Amusement Park in the Between World. I was surrounded by the terrifying Creatures who were growing bolder by the minute and Claude had just appeared on the horizon.

Hopeful that he had found an escape from the desolate Between World, I jumped out of the oversized damaged chinaware, and raced toward him, only to have my path blocked by... It. The Creature was only ankle tall in height, but It was seven feet long, with bristly yellow hair, and sharp red spikes along Its spine. It's eyes were a soul-scorching indigo, and filled with hatred and evil; It's teeth were long and razor sharp, dripping with poisonous drool. It's overall appearance was reminiscent of a cross between a rat and an iguana; in short, It was horrifying. So I did the sensible thing and turned invisible. But when I did, the Creature must have sensed something, because It too, turned invisible, and the way It looked on the Invisible Plane of Existence in the Between World... *shudders* It was too terrible for words. But even worse, It was quickly joined by hundreds of Its bloodthirsty fellows, and I thought all hope was lost. But just as They were about to pounce, I felt a burning sensation in the palms of my hands, and was suddenly blinded by a flash of light! It was @Young Jim Horner's staff, which I had forgotten I was holding! The staff glowed with a brilliant light, and I felt a power and confidence, the likes of which I'd never felt before. With a toss of my long flowing golden locks, I attacked the first Creature, slamming it into an abandoned concession stand; remnants of popcorn containers flew everywhere as the rest of Them attacked at once. But even en masse, they were no match for me. (And Young Jim's staff, of course.) As They attempted to pummel me with their sledgehammer-like tails, I blocked each strike with the staff and delivered my own hits, until, as midnight struck, They all lay unconscious at the base of the teacup spinning ride. Or at least, I think that's where it was. Anyway, as soon as he was sure nothing would attack him, Claude came out from wherever he'd hidden, and together we walked through the Fun House Mirror Portal Land exhibit which was exactly that; an exhibit of Mirror Portals, one of which distributed us conveniently in front of Kren... Of Kez... Renzek... 5...44??? Of @Pearline's. Anyway, I returned Jim's staff, which unfortunately took away my gorgeous locks, and wished both of them (and Thom and what I'm 77.87% sure was an alpaca(?)) a Happy New Year.

It's quite late for me, and both Claude and Claudette are beginning to complain about being kept up past their bedtime, so

Farewell and Happy New Year!!!!

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