Looking for Scilph

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jessica moon
- 4/30/2015 10:55am


Hey! Um are you alright? You haven't written an entry ever since your journal commenced shut down. Please respond, I am shuddering in fear from your lack of prescense.

jessica moon
- 4/30/2015 10:56am

Sorry, I did not mean to spell your name wrong. Greatest apologies.

Jessica moon
- 4/30/2015 3:58pm

I checked everywhere with no avail! Where are you new friend. I know your past was hard...*pauses silently* but you must get passed it. Psyhigh is a place for new beginnings. A place where we can leave the normal world behind and develop our true selves. Maybe you need a break, but please take care of yourself. There is a new ice scream sqwabbalar shop in the 3rd cafeteria next to the hungry troll. It has this defroster milkshake that is transfused with endorphins. I will send you a get well card through paper plane mail. It will have a gift card in it. Please enjoy. Feel better.

With worried eyes,
Jessica Moon.

*Drawing of a sick kitten getting better*
-sorry I know you dislike cats-

Hope you rest with ease and try to focus on healing your inner chakras.

*gift card for 10 dollars*

^~^ have a purrrfecr day...

- 4/30/2015 4:59pm


Yes, I-I... *Sigh* I am... alright. I believe.

My past has just been brought up more and more recently. My heart hurts frequently. I feel as if I do not care whether I live or die.

I do not know what to do.

You card did lift my spirits. It is nice to know I have someone who considers me a friend.

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