Coffee Secrets

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jessica moon
- 1/22/2017 11:56am

This carpet it old. The one in the grand living room in the northwestern dormitory. I noticed only seniors practically study or rather converse here. I am sitting here cross-legged picking at the dried up soup stains lingering under the massive coffee table. I love how it looks...

The wonderful spirals of stains the coffee tears have left behind. I think that's why there is a little scrawled up word etched into the edge of the table reading :


I wonder what they tell. I am feverishly trying to complete my homework assignments from this day...however these secrets intrigue me. I actually got up pressing my huge TREELEAVES STUDIES textbook to my chest and mustered up the courage to ask a senior with strange luminescent eyes.

"Hiya, um, I was wondering if you have a secret"? I stammered out gesturing to the grand table. He eyed me curiously, eyes narrowing in thought.

He proceeded to tell me that his great great great Aunt had left a smudge on the far right corner of the table after a conversation with his soon to be at the time great great uncle. She was nervous, and the slight trembling of her fingers allowed a lone drop to reside onto the table and sink into the wood work.

He told me he doesn't know how he knows...

I am inspired to ask everyone. I want to know. Maybe then I can find some memory with the table as well...

jessica moon
- 1/22/2017 11:56am

So tell me, have you students got any coffee secrets?

Violet Stirling
- 1/22/2017 11:15pm

Make sure the water passes through the coffee grinds slowly, if you want a stronger cup. I would suggest filter paper for this.

Violet Stirling
- 1/22/2017 11:22pm

Sorry, I didn't read all of the post. That was a secret on how to make good coffee. I learnt it from my grandpa. According to my grandma, those were the last words he said before his first head was ripped off. We did find another head for him, thank goodness.

Adeline Herveaux
- 1/23/2017 1:44am

Dear Violet,

Keep your opinions about coffee to yourself. I do not care for your peasant coffee.

You are piteously obtuse onanist and a gaudy coma-inducing practitioner of non-consentual bestiality.

Au Revoir


Jessica moon
- 1/25/2017 7:09am

Ahh, no need to give some black coffee advice... Why don't we sweeten it up with a little cream and sugar.

Thank you for that lovely piece of advice about the filter.

But fellow students. Ask around! I shall as well. Update later!

Briar Rose
- 2/25/2017 10:29pm

If I place my finger one particular coffee stain (shaped like a circle with a star in its center) and close my eyes, I can see the world through my great aunt's eyes. In this vision, she pores over her Demonic Studies textbook in preparation for her upcoming exam that she was almost certain she would flunk. Although she could strike up a casual conversation in various demonic tongues and perform summoning rituals with ease, this particular test covered the history of demon and human interactions. There have been countless instances of soul selling and hellpacts, all of which were endlessly boring to her and almost impossible to remember.

The absurd solution to her predicament, although seemingly sane to her, was to summon a demon and sweetly ask for help. She carefully painted a miniature pentagram out of coffee on the table and chanted the spell, and a grotesque figure appeared in a small cloud of sulfurous smoke. I do not speak Latin or any other demonic dialect, but somehow I know that the small demon was named Sabbhal. Although he was initially offended by his summoning and refused to cooperate, my great aunt quickly convinced him to help her.

By reciting several phrases relayed by Sabbhal, she cemented his consciousness into her own mind. Contrary to popular misconceptions about demonic "possession," as long as both parties are willing participants, they can coexist and even grow to care for one another. My great aunt passed her midterm due to her unconventional cheating methods, and her and Sabbhal were inseperable (physically and spiritually) until the day of her death.

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